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Chapter 6.60
Name | Text |
Ylawes Byres
“Tell me something, Ylawes. You’re a [Knight], right? In that case, don’t you have an order or society or whatever? They’re all over Terandria, but you’ve never talked about one.” |
“Tell me something, Ylawes. You’re a [Knight], right? In that case, don’t you have an order or society or whatever? They’re all over Terandria, but you’ve never talked about one.” |
“Tell me something, Ylawes. You’re a [Knight], right? In that case, don’t you have an order or society or whatever? They’re all over Terandria, but you’ve never talked about one.” |
Dawil Ironbreaker
Dawil twisted on his saddle to address Ylawes. The Dwarf peered at his friend, leader, and junior in years. Ylawes looked up, caught with a mouthful of sandwich. |
Ylawes Byres
Dawil twisted on his saddle to address Ylawes. The Dwarf peered at his friend, leader, and junior in years. Ylawes looked up, caught with a mouthful of sandwich. |
Ylawes Byres
Dawil twisted on his saddle to address Ylawes. The Dwarf peered at his friend, leader, and junior in years. Ylawes looked up, caught with a mouthful of sandwich. |
Dawil Ironbreaker
It was more like eating a pocket-dinner than your typical sandwich. Dawil watched Ylawes chew and swallow. After a moment, the [Knight] wiped at his mouth; he’d taken off his gauntlets to eat. Then he looked at Dawil. |
Ylawes Byres
It was more like eating a pocket-dinner than your typical sandwich. Dawil watched Ylawes chew and swallow. After a moment, the [Knight] wiped at his mouth; he’d taken off his gauntlets to eat. Then he looked at Dawil. |
It was more like eating a pocket-dinner than your typical sandwich. Dawil watched Ylawes chew and swallow. After a moment, the [Knight] wiped at his mouth; he’d taken off his gauntlets to eat. Then he looked at Dawil. |
Dawil Ironbreaker
It was more like eating a pocket-dinner than your typical sandwich. Dawil watched Ylawes chew and swallow. After a moment, the [Knight] wiped at his mouth; he’d taken off his gauntlets to eat. Then he looked at Dawil. |
Ylawes Byres
Ylawes gave Dawil a long and blank look as he fumbled with his water flask. He uncorked it, took a swig, and wiped at his clean shaven jaw. |
Dawil Ironbreaker
Ylawes gave Dawil a long and blank look as he fumbled with his water flask. He uncorked it, took a swig, and wiped at his clean shaven jaw. |
The [Knight] gave Dawil a pained look. The two were riding horses. Ylawes rode a proud charger, a properly-trained stallion suited to combat. It wasn’t his personal mount; he’d purchased it at the last town they’d been through from one of the ubiquitous stables that crossed Izril. It was a lucky find; some other [Rider] must have been forced to sell their horse and Ylawes had paid in gold at once to have it. |
Dawil Ironbreaker
The [Knight] gave Dawil a pained look. The two were riding horses. Ylawes rode a proud charger, a properly-trained stallion suited to combat. It wasn’t his personal mount; he’d purchased it at the last town they’d been through from one of the ubiquitous stables that crossed Izril. It was a lucky find; some other [Rider] must have been forced to sell their horse and Ylawes had paid in gold at once to have it. |
Ylawes Byres
The [Knight] gave Dawil a pained look. The two were riding horses. Ylawes rode a proud charger, a properly-trained stallion suited to combat. It wasn’t his personal mount; he’d purchased it at the last town they’d been through from one of the ubiquitous stables that crossed Izril. It was a lucky find; some other [Rider] must have been forced to sell their horse and Ylawes had paid in gold at once to have it. |
The [Knight] gave Dawil a pained look. The two were riding horses. Ylawes rode a proud charger, a properly-trained stallion suited to combat. It wasn’t his personal mount; he’d purchased it at the last town they’d been through from one of the ubiquitous stables that crossed Izril. It was a lucky find; some other [Rider] must have been forced to sell their horse and Ylawes had paid in gold at once to have it. |
The [Knight] gave Dawil a pained look. The two were riding horses. Ylawes rode a proud charger, a properly-trained stallion suited to combat. It wasn’t his personal mount; he’d purchased it at the last town they’d been through from one of the ubiquitous stables that crossed Izril. It was a lucky find; some other [Rider] must have been forced to sell their horse and Ylawes had paid in gold at once to have it. |
Ylawes Byres
The [Knight] gave Dawil a pained look. The two were riding horses. Ylawes rode a proud charger, a properly-trained stallion suited to combat. It wasn’t his personal mount; he’d purchased it at the last town they’d been through from one of the ubiquitous stables that crossed Izril. It was a lucky find; some other [Rider] must have been forced to sell their horse and Ylawes had paid in gold at once to have it. |
Dawil Ironbreaker
Dawil was riding a pony. It was a good pony, suited to long-distance travel. Plus, ponies were good for their endurance, intelligence, and they needed less expensive feed than some horses. Plus, they were short which was good because Dawil, as a Dwarf, was short. Not that short; he was still over five feet tall, but it did cut a comical sight, him riding next to Ylawes much higher up. |
Dawil Ironbreaker
Dawil was riding a pony. It was a good pony, suited to long-distance travel. Plus, ponies were good for their endurance, intelligence, and they needed less expensive feed than some horses. Plus, they were short which was good because Dawil, as a Dwarf, was short. Not that short; he was still over five feet tall, but it did cut a comical sight, him riding next to Ylawes much higher up. |
Ylawes Byres
Dawil was riding a pony. It was a good pony, suited to long-distance travel. Plus, ponies were good for their endurance, intelligence, and they needed less expensive feed than some horses. Plus, they were short which was good because Dawil, as a Dwarf, was short. Not that short; he was still over five feet tall, but it did cut a comical sight, him riding next to Ylawes much higher up. |
The [Knight] frowned down at Dawil. Dawil frowned at Ylawes’ lunch. The [Knight] paused. |
Dawil Ironbreaker
The [Knight] frowned down at Dawil. Dawil frowned at Ylawes’ lunch. The [Knight] paused. |
Dawil Ironbreaker
The [Knight] frowned down at Dawil. Dawil frowned at Ylawes’ lunch. The [Knight] paused. |
Ylawes Byres
The [Knight] frowned down at Dawil. Dawil frowned at Ylawes’ lunch. The [Knight] paused. |