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Chapter 8.02

Most mentioned character
288 mentions
Most mentioned class
27 mentions
Most mentioned skill
2 mentions
Most mentioned spell
1 mentions
Most mentioned location
77 mentions


Name Text
The Great Plains of Izril, as they were called, were central to the southern half of Izril. A vast, wide, rolling landscape suitable for grazing flocks, fed by rivers—lush, in short. A plentiful land if you knew how to live in it.
The Great Plains of Izril, as they were called, were central to the southern half of Izril. A vast, wide, rolling landscape suitable for grazing flocks, fed by rivers—lush, in short. A plentiful land if you knew how to live in it.
Harsh for those who did not. The lack of fruitful forests and vegetation en-masse would repel Lizardfolk, who had long used all the wonders of Baleros’ forests to be tools, medicine, building material, and more.
By the same token, nomads of Chandrar used to Zeikhal, the Great Desert (there was a pattern in naming conventions), would see an abundance of potential, in the water alone.
The second reason was that it was not theirs. The second name for this stretch of lands was the Gnoll Plains. Because the many tribes of Izril refused to give up this last place that was entirely theirs.
Many tribes moved across Izril of course. They mingled with the Drake cities, made their livings in places where the land was not fully claimed by the walls of their sometimes-enemies. But they had slowly been forced out of many places they used to call home. In the past—they had known more plains, in north and south. No longer. Humans claimed that now.
Plain’s Eye tribe, one of the vastest, with many smaller or related clans, who trained the [Shamans] that held the magic of Gnoll-kind.
Weatherfur, who produced mighty leaders, a [General] of Pallass, and commanded the rains themselves.
Weatherfur, who produced mighty leaders, a [General] of Pallass, and commanded the rains themselves.
Krshia Silverfang
Krshia Silverfang shouted at the group of five-dozen. It wasn’t even a large group. She had thought to take as many as three hundred, but decided there was no need for that amount of cost. Smaller moved faster, anyways, and they were rejoining their tribe. The Silverfang Tribe, known for wealth as they were canny [Traders] and, well, silver from mines of old.
Krshia Silverfang shouted at the group of five-dozen. It wasn’t even a large group. She had thought to take as many as three hundred, but decided there was no need for that amount of cost. Smaller moved faster, anyways, and they were rejoining their tribe. The Silverfang Tribe, known for wealth as they were canny [Traders] and, well, silver from mines of old.
However, this group from Liscor, where part of their tribe had gone to settle and work ten years ago? Laaaate.
News from their home—Liscor. They were not Plains Gnolls, not really, anymore. They were used to the city. And from their city had come terrible tidings.
Erin Solstice
Erin Solstice. They had stopped a day—then another—to learn what had happened. To mourn—even debate going back. Eventually, after conferring, Krshia had decided to go on.
Krshia Silverfang
Erin Solstice. They had stopped a day—then another—to learn what had happened. To mourn—even debate going back. Eventually, after conferring, Krshia had decided to go on.
Erin Solstice
She could not help Erin Solstice in Liscor. But perhaps at the Meeting of Tribes…
She could not help Erin Solstice in Liscor. But perhaps at the Meeting of Tribes…
Erin Solstice
It still slowed their steps. It made what should have been a joyous, excited group yearning to see their kin again after a decade’s absence silent, depressed. Clearly, it was all Erin’s fault for getting killed.
Or…not killed? A Gnoll panting after having jogged for three miles mounted the horse he’d been letting relax. He sat in the saddle, drooping, as the animal harrumphed at the new weight on its back. Tkrn leaned against it.
Krshia Silverfang
He didn’t know exactly what had happened. It was hard for the Gnolls to even explain. Krshia had tried—Erin was in a kind of stasis? Not dead, but unable to be revived and healed. Frozen?
Erin Solstice
He didn’t know exactly what had happened. It was hard for the Gnolls to even explain. Krshia had tried—Erin was in a kind of stasis? Not dead, but unable to be revived and healed. Frozen?
Why would that stop her from dying? Tkrn didn’t know. It sounded…stupid. Even if someone had explained it to him fully, the idea of cryogenics was not something Tkrn would have accepted at face value.
Why would that stop her from dying? Tkrn didn’t know. It sounded…stupid. Even if someone had explained it to him fully, the idea of cryogenics was not something Tkrn would have accepted at face value.
Erin Solstice
To him—Erin was gone, barring some great miracle. And he sniffed into the horse’s mane.
Krshia Silverfang
They were all much the same. Krshia, for all she snapped, didn’t push the Gnolls of Liscor. Tkrn looked ahead at the front of the group.