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Interlude – The First and Last of Us

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Another, to be the last of something. The Last Dragonlord of Flame was still sleeping day after day when a visitor came to his cave.
High Passes
They passed through the High Passes warily, but with some wisdom, having seen it before. The trick was to not attract attention. Once you had one thing after you—or fleeing from you—something else noticed it.
High Passes
A bit of luck. And not running into the nastiest elements of the High Passes. There were some…unique monsters lurking about.
The Void Eater Goat, for one. The…shapeshifter, another.
Same for Eater Goats. They were suicidally mad—not diligent. Void Eater Goats, though…they were scary. Because once, that little, innocent goat with its black fur and insatiable appetite—once it had been an Eater Goat, a nasty one. An Eater Goat that practiced the art of eating.
Same for Eater Goats. They were suicidally mad—not diligent. Void Eater Goats, though…they were scary. Because once, that little, innocent goat with its black fur and insatiable appetite—once it had been an Eater Goat, a nasty one. An Eater Goat that practiced the art of eating.
Even slumbering, Teriarch was too canny to have forgotten all his tricks. Despite the intruder bypassing his wards, a feat few could ever boast of—and only because they were one of the few welcome visitors—he was already stirring.
The visitor, though, just stared sideways at the trailing smoke and flames, unimpressed. Teriarch spotted his guest and closed his mouth. And the first thing the visitor did was paw at the ground and speak in a higher voice than you might think, precise, even pedantic. He tossed his head back, and a shimmering mane of hair fluttered around him like gossamer spider webs.
Or some such. He’d gone silver this year, and he was thinking he’d go back to blonde. Or pink. But everyone noticed pink. The visitor eyed Teriarch as he threw back his head.
Taletevirion. What are you doing here?”
The last Unicorn of the Vale Forest, Taletevirion, trotted left and right, eying the hoard and cave with distaste.
“Asking if you’ve lost your mind. Here I thought I’d be seeing war-camps, the Dragonthrone open, and armies of Golems or something. But no—you’re sleeping like usual. So it was someone else, then. Waterboy himself. The sheer pomposity was you, though. Lady War would never bother with that.”
Calanfer, Calanfer, Teriarch. Was that you? If it was—what possessed you? I also heard of a ruckus in Ailendamus. The last Dryad’s dead…but you wouldn’t have done that. Yet she died of flames. So the spirits of nature whisper—or something like that. They’re antsy, all these forest memories. The Green King, Winter Sprites here in number—something’s up. So are you awake or still sleeping?”
“Calanfer, Calanfer, Teriarch. Was that you? If it was—what possessed you? I also heard of a ruckus in Ailendamus. The last Dryad’s dead…but you wouldn’t have done that. Yet she died of flames. So the spirits of nature whisper—or something like that. They’re antsy, all these forest memories. The Green King, Winter Sprites here in number—something’s up. So are you awake or still sleeping?”
“Calanfer, Calanfer, Teriarch. Was that you? If it was—what possessed you? I also heard of a ruckus in Ailendamus. The last Dryad’s dead…but you wouldn’t have done that. Yet she died of flames. So the spirits of nature whisper—or something like that. They’re antsy, all these forest memories. The Green King, Winter Sprites here in number—something’s up. So are you awake or still sleeping?”
“Calanfer, Calanfer, Teriarch. Was that you? If it was—what possessed you? I also heard of a ruckus in Ailendamus. The last Dryad’s dead…but you wouldn’t have done that. Yet she died of flames. So the spirits of nature whisper—or something like that. They’re antsy, all these forest memories. The Green King, Winter Sprites here in number—something’s up. So are you awake or still sleeping?”
“Calanfer, Calanfer, Teriarch. Was that you? If it was—what possessed you? I also heard of a ruckus in Ailendamus. The last Dryad’s dead…but you wouldn’t have done that. Yet she died of flames. So the spirits of nature whisper—or something like that. They’re antsy, all these forest memories. The Green King, Winter Sprites here in number—something’s up. So are you awake or still sleeping?”
Here was the thing. As Teriarch’s eyes widened and he began to regain full control of his mind, he looked at his visitor and saw a number of Unicorns. The one in front of him looked much like the others, mind you.
He had never quite lost his fighting trim—which, if you knew horses, meant he was in quite good shape. Although he didn’t look like a racing horse, all running muscle to no other point. Possibly few horses outside of the ancient wilds had ever looked like he did. Not bulky, but rather like a [Duelist]—compacted against his form.
He was quick. But the Taletevirion of the modern day struck a contrast to those who had come before. And the Dragon remembered them all.
He had no shame. And he was probably why a good portion of Izril’s horses were so famously capable. Teriarch had heard when an impulsive [Lady] had bought some of the finest horses from overseas, Taletevirion had stayed on Walchaís lands for two decades. And nearly died of dehydration.
He had no shame. And he was probably why a good portion of Izril’s horses were so famously capable. Teriarch had heard when an impulsive [Lady] had bought some of the finest horses from overseas, Taletevirion had stayed on Walchaís lands for two decades. And nearly died of dehydration.
He had no shame. And he was probably why a good portion of Izril’s horses were so famously capable. Teriarch had heard when an impulsive [Lady] had bought some of the finest horses from overseas, Taletevirion had stayed on Walchaís lands for two decades. And nearly died of dehydration.
He had no shame. And he was probably why a good portion of Izril’s horses were so famously capable. Teriarch had heard when an impulsive [Lady] had bought some of the finest horses from overseas, Taletevirion had stayed on Walchaís lands for two decades. And nearly died of dehydration.
Knowing that definitely put a damper on the awe of meeting Taletevirion for the first time. But then—Teriarch could not blame him like he held Eldavin, himself, to account.