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Chapter 9.31
Name | Text |
Sleepily, Teriarch’s head rose higher, and he wondered what that feeling had been. A great terror, for a few minutes, had come over him in his dreams. |
The Brass Dragon lay there awhile. Then—because he despaired of it, truly, because he was hungry, the Dragonlord of Flame did what he always did. |
He ran away. He called upon something else of old, a guise as ancient as Eldavin, the meddler who did what must be done. But humbler. He whispered—and his body changed as he spoke another name. |
“Demsleth.” |
Ryoka Griffin
“Hello? I’m Ryoka Griffin. Hello?” |
Ryoka Griffin
‘Ryoka Griffin’ stared about. She peered at the gold, the treasures, and saw— |
Relc Grasstongue
Only Relc could annoy natural elementals like that. The Drake, as had become his routine, stood in his room at The Wandering Inn. |
The Wandering Inn
Only Relc could annoy natural elementals like that. The Drake, as had become his routine, stood in his room at The Wandering Inn. |
Erin Solstice
His room at the inn. Not in the city. He had found an apartment in the new quarters, but Erin had told him he could stay at the inn forever for free. Lyonette had, of course, clarified they’d charge him a modest fee, but it included breakfast and cleaning. |
Lyonette du Marquin
His room at the inn. Not in the city. He had found an apartment in the new quarters, but Erin had told him he could stay at the inn forever for free. Lyonette had, of course, clarified they’d charge him a modest fee, but it included breakfast and cleaning. |
Relc Grasstongue
Part of Relc had wanted to go and find an apartment—until he wondered why he wanted to go. Then he’d stayed. He’d stayed and been happier than he could imagine when he realized he’d be here. |
With the little kid, Mrsha, with Erin and the inn. For better or worse, he would be here. |
Erin Solstice
With the little kid, Mrsha, with Erin and the inn. For better or worse, he would be here. |
Erin Solstice
That was something. If only life could be like that. The painful, sad-happy feeling of realizing someone wanted him to be here—that he didn’t have to sit in his empty apartment fiddling with his puzzles. It wasn’t a gift; Erin wanted him to be here, and he could go downstairs and sit in the common room. |
Relc Grasstongue
That feeling in Relc’s chest was like today. Today, where so much had happened. |
The scar in the earth outside the Floodplains was mostly closed, because the Antinium did not want a breach in the very firmament that could let water rain down into their Hive. But the scars on people and even the walls of Liscor remained. |
The scar in the earth outside the Floodplains was mostly closed, because the Antinium did not want a breach in the very firmament that could let water rain down into their Hive. But the scars on people and even the walls of Liscor remained. |
He’d stared at them for a while. Literal cut marks that had gone through enchanted stone, melted parts of it. A shattered section where the Archmage of Memory had been nailed to the wall like a fly. |
That was one kind of scar. The other…the other was on the Drake’s arm. That damn [Blademistress] had got him. |
Relc Grasstongue
This damn tournament. Relc wouldn’t have participated if he’d known—but he had been after Lulv and Symphony. After Manus. That was fine—he was used to scars. But the poor kids…they didn’t need scars. They didn’t need to lose actual limbs. |
This damn tournament. Relc wouldn’t have participated if he’d known—but he had been after Lulv and Symphony. After Manus. That was fine—he was used to scars. But the poor kids…they didn’t need scars. They didn’t need to lose actual limbs. |
This damn tournament. Relc wouldn’t have participated if he’d known—but he had been after Lulv and Symphony. After Manus. That was fine—he was used to scars. But the poor kids…they didn’t need scars. They didn’t need to lose actual limbs. |
Yet—he got it. The chance to face a [Blademaster] or a [Spearmaster]…he would have done the same thing. The painful part was— |
Yet—he got it. The chance to face a [Blademaster] or a [Spearmaster]…he would have done the same thing. The painful part was— |
Relc Grasstongue
Relc looked down, cleared his throat, and went on. |