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Goblin Days (Pt. 5) – Redblade and Lilbrasi

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Fightipilota decided after four days of living at Nombernaught that she couldn’t enjoy Goblinhome the same way.
Fightipilota decided after four days of living at Nombernaught that she couldn’t enjoy Goblinhome the same way.
Fightipilota decided after four days of living at Nombernaught that she couldn’t enjoy Goblinhome the same way.
No offense to Goblinhome; it was the best place made for Goblins, by Goblins, that Fightipilota had ever been to. Tremborag’s mountain had been bigger, yes, but far less pleasant. Part of that had been their dungeons.
No offense to Goblinhome; it was the best place made for Goblins, by Goblins, that Fightipilota had ever been to. Tremborag’s mountain had been bigger, yes, but far less pleasant. Part of that had been their dungeons.
No offense to Goblinhome; it was the best place made for Goblins, by Goblins, that Fightipilota had ever been to. Tremborag’s mountain had been bigger, yes, but far less pleasant. Part of that had been their dungeons.
But even with all of Goblinhome’s amenities, even with the luxuries a Goblin like Fightipilota could scrounge up, it didn’t beat a city with thousands of years of culture. Alright, fine. Fighti was also getting her rooms paid for by House Lanight, and maybe there were places in Nombernaught that sucked.
But even with all of Goblinhome’s amenities, even with the luxuries a Goblin like Fightipilota could scrounge up, it didn’t beat a city with thousands of years of culture. Alright, fine. Fighti was also getting her rooms paid for by House Lanight, and maybe there were places in Nombernaught that sucked.
But even with all of Goblinhome’s amenities, even with the luxuries a Goblin like Fightipilota could scrounge up, it didn’t beat a city with thousands of years of culture. Alright, fine. Fighti was also getting her rooms paid for by House Lanight, and maybe there were places in Nombernaught that sucked.
But even with all of Goblinhome’s amenities, even with the luxuries a Goblin like Fightipilota could scrounge up, it didn’t beat a city with thousands of years of culture. Alright, fine. Fighti was also getting her rooms paid for by House Lanight, and maybe there were places in Nombernaught that sucked.
However! She knew there were rooms in Goblinhome that had sixty Goblins to a ‘bed’; they lay on a giant mat, rolling on top of each other, snoring in each other’s ears, and heavens forbid one got up to use the bathroom.
Fightipilota had a small room in Goblinhome in the [Wyvern Riders] section, close to the bestiary where the Wyverns and Carn Wolves could sleep and move about. No one had reassigned her since Snowscale had died.
Fightipilota had a small room in Goblinhome in the [Wyvern Riders] section, close to the bestiary where the Wyverns and Carn Wolves could sleep and move about. No one had reassigned her since Snowscale had died.
[Wyvern Rider]
Fightipilota had a small room in Goblinhome in the [Wyvern Riders] section, close to the bestiary where the Wyverns and Carn Wolves could sleep and move about. No one had reassigned her since Snowscale had died.
Fightipilota was four foot something. It was a narrow cubicle, and Fighti would wake up, crawl over to her ‘dresser’ full of flight clothes, which was a wicker bin, grab her toothbrush, and line up with Goblins to brush her teeth and then go to breakfast. The walls of her room were grey stone, windowless, obviously; it was pitch black save for the lights flickering in the hallway beyond and a candle, if Fighti had one.
Fightipilota was four foot something. It was a narrow cubicle, and Fighti would wake up, crawl over to her ‘dresser’ full of flight clothes, which was a wicker bin, grab her toothbrush, and line up with Goblins to brush her teeth and then go to breakfast. The walls of her room were grey stone, windowless, obviously; it was pitch black save for the lights flickering in the hallway beyond and a candle, if Fighti had one.
Fightipilota was four foot something. It was a narrow cubicle, and Fighti would wake up, crawl over to her ‘dresser’ full of flight clothes, which was a wicker bin, grab her toothbrush, and line up with Goblins to brush her teeth and then go to breakfast. The walls of her room were grey stone, windowless, obviously; it was pitch black save for the lights flickering in the hallway beyond and a candle, if Fighti had one.
The walls were thick enough that Fighti couldn’t hear snores from outside, and her blankets were a scratchy wool with a small sheet underneath made of cheap cotton that had a bunch of holes in it, but mostly kept her from itching at night. During the winter, Fighti would roll herself into a ball or, if it got really cold, sleep next to some of the other [Riders] with their Wyverns or Carn Wolves, or just in a row in someone’s room, like cloth sausages.
The walls were thick enough that Fighti couldn’t hear snores from outside, and her blankets were a scratchy wool with a small sheet underneath made of cheap cotton that had a bunch of holes in it, but mostly kept her from itching at night. During the winter, Fighti would roll herself into a ball or, if it got really cold, sleep next to some of the other [Riders] with their Wyverns or Carn Wolves, or just in a row in someone’s room, like cloth sausages.
The walls were thick enough that Fighti couldn’t hear snores from outside, and her blankets were a scratchy wool with a small sheet underneath made of cheap cotton that had a bunch of holes in it, but mostly kept her from itching at night. During the winter, Fighti would roll herself into a ball or, if it got really cold, sleep next to some of the other [Riders] with their Wyverns or Carn Wolves, or just in a row in someone’s room, like cloth sausages.
It was great. It was her first room ever, and Fightipilota thought that if you had gone back to the small Goblin she’d once been in the Redfang tribe and told her she’d get her own room like that, she would have been in denial.
The problem, in Fighti’s opinion, was not stopping there but showing Goblins there could be even more. If you starved, you’d be over the moon to eat as much slightly rotten food as you wanted for the rest of your life.
But the moment some kindly [Innkeeper] with a crazy hat handed you a milkshake and you stood on a beach with the tide rushing around your ankles and Kevin playing music on his iPhone in the background—you couldn’t go back.
Kevin Hall
But the moment some kindly [Innkeeper] with a crazy hat handed you a milkshake and you stood on a beach with the tide rushing around your ankles and Kevin playing music on his iPhone in the background—you couldn’t go back.
That was, Fighti decided, the curse of civilization. So, for her time in Nombernaught, she got a damn good cursing because if she had to have Goblinhome ruined for her, she might as well go all the way.