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  1. Miss Agnes
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Chapter Text
2.47 “Welcome to the Frenzied Hare! Do take a seat. My name is Agnes; and I do know you, Miss Ryoka Griffin. You stayed at my inn just as you were starting out as a City Runner. Do you remember?”
2.47 Erin smiled at the woman. Agnes smiled back.
2.47 “One second, please, Miss Agnes.”
2.47 She had a point, but Erin was reluctant to concede. Ryoka walked back to Agnes, whose smile had slipped slightly. She had a resigned look in her eyes before Ryoka even spoke.
2.47 “I’m sorry Miss Agnes, but we really have to be going.”
2.47 She interrupted Ryoka. The other girl turned and glared silently at her, but Erin ignored the look. She smiled at Agnes, who gave her a more genuine smile of surprise in return.
2.47 “I suppose we will. A table for two, Miss Agnes. Away from those two, please.”
2.47 She nodded at the adventurers who were spilling a lot of their drink on the floor in proper quaffing style. Agnes beamed and led the two girls to a table at the other side of the room, talking excitedly with Erin.
2.47 “Really? That’s so odd. You know I’m an [Innkeeper] myself, Agnes.”
2.47 By the time Erin had sat down with Ryoka and they’d ordered some beef with potatoes, the meal of the day, she’d become entirely invested in Agnes’ struggle.  She’d even met the two barmaids, Maran and Safry, and they’d both been cheerful and welcoming, if tired. Agnes had chatted happily with Erin before going back into the kitchen to cook, a scene so familiar to Erin that she felt a strong bond with the woman.
2.47 By the time Erin had sat down with Ryoka and they’d ordered some beef with potatoes, the meal of the day, she’d become entirely invested in Agnes’ struggle.  She’d even met the two barmaids, Maran and Safry, and they’d both been cheerful and welcoming, if tired. Agnes had chatted happily with Erin before going back into the kitchen to cook, a scene so familiar to Erin that she felt a strong bond with the woman.
2.47 “Aw, come on Ryoka. Agnes is nice! Don’t you think so?”
2.47 Agnes said she knew you when you just got here, Ryoka. You really don’t remember her?”
2.47 “Sorry. Agnes ain’t got a Skill. You sure you don’t want anything stronger to drink? Helps wash it all down.”
2.47 “Okay, this isn’t good…but maybe Agnes just doesn’t know any recipes?”