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Buscrei Veltras
- Buscrei
These are aliases for "Buscrei Veltras".
Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
Total mentions
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Last mentioned in chapter
Total mentions
Chapters with the most mentions
Interlude chapters are abbreviated with "I." for readability.
Books with the most mentions
These counts only include released books, so, if mentions occur outside that range, they won't appear in this chart.
Volumes with the most mentions
Chapter | Text |
8.23 | “Ryoka Griffin, Courier, Lady Buscrei Veltras.” |
8.23 | “Huh. Wouldn’t mind gliding off, even if I have to haul it back. Well, ‘salright. I’m Buscrei Veltras. [Hunting Lady] of…here.” |
8.23 | She waved the stick around to take in the marsh-settlement. Ryoka nodded, hesitating again. Buscrei eyed her. |
8.23 | Buscrei’s nod took in the entire area. The marshlands around the Vail Forest and the ‘city’ of Oswen was to the west and south, where coast intruded into land. It bordered the largest forest in Izril’s north, and thus the people had both sea and land and that medium in between to find any number of ways to make a profit. |
8.23 | “You’re very kind, Lady Buscrei. I can wait for the rest of your family if you’d like…I’m authorized to take back letters or correspondence to any other of House Veltras on the way back.” |
8.23 | Buscrei’s eyebrows rose. |
8.23 | Ryoka wasn’t sure, but an impulse and her burgeoning social abilities told her that Buscrei was serious. |
8.23 | Buscrei clarified. Ryoka hurried to deny she had been wondering exactly that. The woman found two cups and poured two liquids in, before placing them on a counter. She got something for herself; the purple Gnoll drink, Velrusk Claw. |
8.23 | Ryoka took one sip and her expression made Buscrei laugh. Sour alcohol was not something Ryoka enjoyed. However, she gamely tried another sip and saw the point. |
8.23 | The purified water tasted very good. It was not ‘spring water’ from actual mountain runoff or whatever Earth’s bottled water companies advertised. This tasted, well, pure. Good. Buscrei grinned. |
8.23 | Ryoka nodded as Buscrei named the [Lord] who had local [Druids] in his forest-keep and local town. |
8.23 | However, Buscrei shook her head. The second family of House Veltras on Ryoka’s journey found some more dried meat—which turned out to be from a crocodile or alligator variant, cooked and spiced on a stick—for both of them as Ryoka sipped the water and Oyster Juice. |
8.23 | …They rode water-sleds pulled by an otter-dog crossbreed. Ryoka coughed half her mouthful of Oyster Juice over the balcony when she saw that and Buscrei laughed her butt off. The swift-paddling dogs and returning hunting party looked up as she drew her longbow, and loosed an arrow in an explosion of sound. |
8.23 | The rest was obviously Buscrei’s family, which was a large, boisterous lot. Exactly the opposite of Tyrion. |
8.23 | Ryoka sat among the family at dinner. Nearly two dozen people wanted to talk to her. Buscrei and her husband, their kids, relatives and their partners… |