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7.12 G His name was Calescent, which was a word as much as a name. Calescent the [Chef] had learned it from the only cook-book he’d ever possessed. And he looked upon the dead Eater Goats and spoke one word.
7.12 G His name was Calescent, which was a word as much as a name. Calescent the [Chef] had learned it from the only cook-book he’d ever possessed. And he looked upon the dead Eater Goats and spoke one word.
7.12 G The chill mountain air warmed. Badarrow smelled food cooking. Calescent was at work already. Snapjaw grinned as she waited for him. She was surrounded by little Goblin children. They were begging for sips of mead or snacks, and she was passing out bits of food.
7.12 G “You tell Calescent.”
7.12 G “Find other [Cook]. Calescent too spicy.”
7.12 G Calescent is the best.”
7.12 G And Rabbiteater’s cooks and followers, who helped Calescent in the kitchens. They watched as the marching band made a slow circuit of the eating room. And every Goblin stopped. They remembered.
7.12 G But there was a Goblin that was missing. No, two. Calescent came to the entrance of his kitchens. He looked around.
7.12 G Inside, a Goblin dreamed of the past. Calescent paused, but the food was growing cold. He knocked on the wooden door.
7.12 G She snapped. The door opened and Calescent came in himself with lunch. Rags blinked blearily at him.
7.12 G So said the [Cook], and his word was, apparently, law. Rags glowered up at him; Calescent wasn’t as heavy as Tremborag; he was stout, not fat. But he insisted Goblins should eat at least twice a day. He knew what it was like to starve.
7.12 G The spices were hot! Rags took a few bites and felt herself heating up. Calescent disagreed.
7.12 G Rags glared at him. But she didn’t argue with the [Chef], and Calescent was a [Chef] these days. He was also, incidentally, one of the most feared fighters outside of the Redfangs. Poisonbite could kill you slowly with her toxins, but if Calescent went into battle he carried a small sack of his hottest spice blends. And he’d throw it in your eyes as he hacked you apart with a cleaver.
7.12 G Rags glared at him. But she didn’t argue with the [Chef], and Calescent was a [Chef] these days. He was also, incidentally, one of the most feared fighters outside of the Redfangs. Poisonbite could kill you slowly with her toxins, but if Calescent went into battle he carried a small sack of his hottest spice blends. And he’d throw it in your eyes as he hacked you apart with a cleaver.
7.12 G Taller, older. But not wiser. Or smarter. Just older. More tired. Rags looked at Calescent.