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9.37 HO Her eyes were faintly orange, but not like his, like the boiling heart of a volcano. The daughter of Torreb the Unbreakable was named Itkisa, and she took care of him and managed the servants who helped keep up this mansion where he had retired.
9.37 HO Orjin liked her. Itkisa had seemed normal compared to the aura he had felt miles out from this city. Normal…but she spoke to Torreb like that.
9.37 HO She slapped his hand as it reached for a second shoot. The old man grunted. He waited until Itkisa was in retreat.
9.37 HO The Fury of Skies, Solo…something…had made the mistake of arguing with Itkisa when she had joined their discussion about his cult. He still refused to understand why Orjin held it against him so.
9.37 HO He was eighty years old. A Stitch-man; Itkisa was a Human daughter, but most of his descendants were Stitch-folk. He was a Level 69 [Warrior]; the highest on the continent. Only Mars the Illusionist came close to his achievements, and she was younger than he was by decades.
9.37 HO Torreb’s eyes glowed challengingly. The former Strongest rested his hands on his knees as he thought. Itkisa came back with scorpions baked in syrup. She offered them, and Orjin took a bite as Torreb took three and was scolded.
9.37 HO Torreb leaned forward as Itkisa went to feed the fish from a basket. But she was listening. Orjin searched for words as he stared at the sky.
9.37 HO Itkisa turned her head, and Torreb snorted softly.
9.37 HO Orjin confessed. Torreb laughed, then rose. Itkisa looked up, and Torreb stretched.
9.37 HO He picked up the club and walked across his mansion. Itkisa smiled at Orjin as the warrior rose, and he nodded to her.
9.37 HO Itkisa gave Orjin an appraising look, and he felt a light tingle run down his spine. She put the basket against her hip. Torreb claimed that she had taken the hardest job, caring for him rather than marrying. Itkisa in turn had claimed that no one would see her as anything more than Torreb’s daughter, an alliance to be won.
9.37 HO Itkisa gave Orjin an appraising look, and he felt a light tingle run down his spine. She put the basket against her hip. Torreb claimed that she had taken the hardest job, caring for him rather than marrying. Itkisa in turn had claimed that no one would see her as anything more than Torreb’s daughter, an alliance to be won.
9.37 HO Itkisa shouted, and Torreb’s fury abated in a moment. He sat back, and tears sprang to his eyes.
9.37 HO The man furiously drank from his bowl again as his daughter strode over. The fish woke—and dove in a panic as Itkisa looked at the pond. Some kept floating, belly-up, dead of fright. But Torreb just nodded, emotional now.
9.37 HO And they were back to square one. But Itkisa interrupted the two.