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Chapter Text
5.08 “Naturally, naturally. Oh look, Noass! Do you see that?”
5.08 The two Drake commentators, Sir Relz and Noass, pushed forwards as the crowd and the world held its breath.
5.08 “That’s unknown, but they seem to be pushing the moths back quite quickly where they are! Hold on—do you see what I’m seeing, Noass? Those Antinium have paint on their carapaces! Is this some kind of new Antinium variant?”
5.08 “You’d know more than I, Noass. What are they doing in Liscor?”
5.08 “—seems like Liscor’s managed to repel the worst of the assault, Noass.”
5.08 “That’s indeed so, Noass. Did I hear you right? You called them ‘mothers’?”
5.08 The Drake called Noass smirked. Erin stared at him.
5.08 “And another wave is coming in—looks like five hundred by my count Noass!”
Interlude – Flos “—And it looks like the rain has truly broken the spirit of the Face-Eater Moths. What a dramatic end! A simple climate change spell has reversed the entire battle and indeed, saved the city of Liscor, a stunningly intelligent move by that young mage, wouldn’t you say, Noass?”
5.54 “This is Noass and Sir Relz of Pallass, newly made [Commentators] with a Human [Magician] providing us the [Scrying] spell. We happened to be on the scene when we met—er, what did you say your name was, sir?”
5.54 “There are apparently a lot of [Strategists] supporting this claim, Noass.”
5.54 “It looks like we have Liscor’s actual [Strategist] on the scene, Noass—”
5.54 He raised his furry arms and got a cheer. Not a huge one; some Drakes and Gnolls in the crowd looked uneasy, like Sir Relz and Noass. But it didn’t matter. Errif had said his bit and he was beckoning for Pallass’ City Watch to remove Embria and Olesm from the stage. Embria swore at the [Guards] and Olesm felt something rising in him.
5.54 Errif gaped at him. The crowd gaped at him. Sir Relz and Noass’ jaw dropped as they hovered in the edge of the scrying orb’s field of vision. Olesm turned. He shouted at the stunned crowd.
5.54 “That’s Liscor’s [Strategist] claiming he has authority over Pallass! That’s…I mean, that is how military protocol works. But in another city? Is that fair? Noass?”