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Palt Fenrisol

  1. Palt
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Chapter Text
6.57 “Shut your damn mouth, Palt!”
6.57 The Centaur named Palt was lighting a new roll. He sucked on it and blew out more smoke.
6.57 “Oh, forget it. Palt?”
6.57 The [Mages] left the bar quietly. The street was still full of pedestrians, but no one had noticed the fight. Indeed, no one even glanced at the tavern; Palt’s spell was still active, distracting attention away from it. The Centaur was first to exit; he waited for the rest of his companions.
6.57 Palt, Ulinde, Beza, and Isceil. They were all young [Mages] from Wistram, but full [Mages]. Top of their years. And she was their leader. She shook her head and adjusted her hood.
6.57 “Later. Palt, where’s the Drake you used [Mind Blank] on?”
6.57 Palt nodded to a Drake standing vacantly to the side. Selys Shivertail was still unfocused. The Centaur eyed her, and then turned to Montressa.
6.57 Palt exhaled; he was still smoking. It was almost perpetual if you knew him.
6.57 “So? Why do I have to talk to some petty Watch Captain? You do it Palt.”
6.57 “You are the best at negotiations, Palt.”
6.57 Palt sighed. Mons handed him a pouch and he took it. Isceil looked around.
6.57 He saw Palt turn his head and glare before marching back. Montressa looked at Beza and the Minotauress shook her head hopelessly. Palt spat the smoking roll from his lips and caught it magically in the air. He glared at Isceil.
6.57 He saw Palt turn his head and glare before marching back. Montressa looked at Beza and the Minotauress shook her head hopelessly. Palt spat the smoking roll from his lips and caught it magically in the air. He glared at Isceil.
6.57 Isceil moderated his tone and reached for it. Palt made it vanish and the Drake glared at him.
6.57 The Drake rudely turned his back. Palt trotted off huffily. His companions watched him go. After a second, Beza snorted.