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Perorn Sadiluc
- Fleethoof
- Perorn
These are aliases for "Perorn Sadiluc".
Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
Chapter | Text |
6.21 D | “Miss Perorn, good morning.” |
6.21 D | Cameral and two of the Dullahans present immediately took off their heads and inclined their head with their hands, a Dullahans’ bow. Marian and Jekilt inclined their torsos as well. Umina didn’t, but that was because there really was no need. It was just that the Dullahans felt the need to show the courtesy and the Centaurs respected the teacher who’d just come in. Perorn, the Centauress, walked past the podium and turned. |
6.21 D | Perorn had a clipboard. She noted down Venaz’ details swiftly. |
6.21 D | Perorn sighed and indicated a space behind the lectern with one hoof. Venaz placed his pelt down carefully and Marian stepped up. Umina and the others got into line. She was near the end and noted Wil was right behind her. He looked downcast. |
6.21 D | The line moved fast; Perorn asked only for basic details. Umina showed her the quills. |
6.21 D | Venaz looked disbelievingly at the quills. Marian sighed and Yerranola raised her brows. Umina knew how it looked. Scattershot Porcupines were not a threat. Oh, they could fire their quills, which turned the already dicey business of getting near a porcupine into a positive threat, but they were hardly able to kill in most cases. But Perorn only noted down the detail. She glanced up. |
6.21 D | Umina laid down her burden on top of Venaz’ Mossbear pelt, which was being used to hold most of the trophies. She felt encouraged by Perorn’s smile; she might be right after all! Then she turned to watch Wil step up. He was, of course, empty-handed. Perorn gave him a severe look. |
6.21 D | Umina laid down her burden on top of Venaz’ Mossbear pelt, which was being used to hold most of the trophies. She felt encouraged by Perorn’s smile; she might be right after all! Then she turned to watch Wil step up. He was, of course, empty-handed. Perorn gave him a severe look. |
6.21 D | “I do not, Strategist Perorn. The adventuring team I contacted failed during their mission.” |
6.21 D | Perorn adjusted her spectacles as she stared down at Wil. |
6.21 D | “Six out of the nine adventurers perished, Miss Perorn.” |
6.21 D | The Lizardgirl shuddered. Perorn stared at Wil, then made a short note on her paper. |
6.21 D | She trotted out the door. The others followed her, abandoning the paper and quills they normally brought along. If they were going outside, notes would just get dirty. Umina walked after Marian. The Centauress and the other students formed a group that followed Perorn at a respectful distance. Marian looked slightly aghast. |
6.21 D | “Miss Perorn came here just to take notes and lead us? Surely someone else could have done that. A [Servant] could have done the job!” |
6.21 D | The Lizardgirl nodded. She understood the feeling. She watched as Perorn trotted down the Centaur ramps as opposed to the narrower stairwell. Perorn was a teacher, but she didn’t have the [Teacher] class. Rather, she was one of the instructors that the Titan employed out of his own company; Perorn was a [Strategist] in the Forgotten Wing company, a figure of renown in her own right. |