Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
Satar Silverfang and Cers. Krshia knew one and had heard of the other, though he had not been born last time she visited. Satar had been just a child, and shyly greeted Krshia with an embrace.
Satar Silverfang and Cers. Krshia knew one and had heard of the other, though he had not been born last time she visited. Satar had been just a child, and shyly greeted Krshia with an embrace.
His ears flattened and he dismounted as his mother looked at him. It was an adult-look, the kind that told a child this was the last straw. Krshia was busy inspecting Satar.
She looked like her father. Krshia wondered if she’d meet him. Cers on the other hand? He was…clearly…not Satar’s fur type. Nor was he from the same father.
There was the [Shaman], Cetrule, who had…not married [Chieftain] Akrisa. But they were a couple so it was a technicality? Let’s see. Satar was a half-sister to Cers, the little Mrsha-age cub who kept running around offering grape juice to everyone.
Satar was a [Shaman] in training, or a new one. Cers was clearly beloved—if rascally as most Gnolls his age. Everyone seemed to respect Akrisa, which was good.
“Yes! No. It’s just—I want to be important, and it will take a long time here. I can make my fortune during this event. Anything can happen. That’s how Satar, the Chieftain’s first daughter, came to be, you know. Last Meeting of Tribes, the Ekhtouch and Silverfangs made an agreement for children.”
Children. So Satar was a child of a union between this Ekhtouch and Silverfang—and that was one of the agreements that could be reached here. A Gnoll could be headhunted by other Chieftains. Tribes could buy vast supplies of armor, or a powerful artifact…
So saying, Cers leapt on a Gnoll girl and wrestled her for the ball. They happily fought, punching, biting—until his older half-sister, Satar, waded in.
The scandalized Gnoll was not Krshia, but rather, Satar, Akrisa’s oldest daughter, who had come from an Ekhtouch union herself. The older Gnolls snorted as Satar escaped, with little Cers Silverfang, who decided the adults were disgusting too.