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- Troy
These are aliases for "Troydel".
Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
Chapter | Text |
2.37 | “I’m Joseph, this is Rose. And this is Galina, Troy…” |
6.68 | “Sorry. I’d just like to talk to Rose. Or Joseph? Imani? Galina? Troy?” |
6.68 | “This is Galina, Troy—hey, where’s Imani?” |
6.68 | “We’re all sharing devices, but only one of us has a laptop. Mac. So we synched everything up—except for the Androids because…Macs. We don’t have any new songs, and we take turns playing all the games on Troy’s laptop—” |
6.68 | She waved a hand at them. One, Troy, went up to grab his laptop to synch Ryoka’s iPhone. Nerrissa followed him, exasperated. Bekia shrugged. |
6.68 | As Troy left, someone else entered the parlor. The eighth member of the group. Ryoka saw dark skin, downcast eyes. Imani paused when she saw Ryoka. Bekia turned to her. |
6.68 | Ryoka looked past her. Joseph, Rose, Troy, Galina, who was arguing with the others about spilling tea on the expensive couches—Ryoka bit her tongue. Joseph waved at her. |
6.68 | Rose elbowed Joseph and looked at Ryoka. The City Runner nodded to herself. Time to make her pitch. She pointed at Troy’s laptop. |
6.68 | And she was right. The Earthworlder’s eyes went round at the sight of all the gold. Troy nearly reached for it. |
6.68 | The young woman demanded, pale-faced. Someone, Troy, was being sick again. Ryoka looked at them. People from Earth. But not—she hesitated. They were looking at her. What could she do? |
6.68 | In a split second, Ryoka made a decision. She looked back at the mansion. Then at the Earthworlders. They had their electronics, at least. Ryoka looked at Troy’s laptop, a smartphone in Galina’s hand. She felt at her belt pouch and cursed. |
7.14 T | Aaron Vanwell stared at the young woman from Earth. Elena, whose name was Greek, descended from the root-name, Helen, as in ‘Helen of Troy’, (no relation), was filling her plate from the buffet. |
7.23 LM | Kevin stared about the inn. Joseph blinked around at the bright, painful room and held his head. But he was there, and Rose, Galina, Troydel, Imani, and Leon. The seven young people who had been in Magnolia’s care were…here. In the inn. |
7.23 LM | Kevin waved at Ksmvr. The [Skirmisher]’s head rose, confused. He looked at Ceria, who was getting her own looks from Troydel—known as ‘Troy’, and Leon. |
7.23 LM | Kevin waved at Ksmvr. The [Skirmisher]’s head rose, confused. He looked at Ceria, who was getting her own looks from Troydel—known as ‘Troy’, and Leon. |