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Wesle Salkis

  1. Fuzzylips (by Erin)
  2. Wesle
Total mentions
546 mentions
First mentioned in chapter
Last mentioned in chapter


Chapter Text
1.19 R “If you can circle back this way, Miss—I’m Guardsman Wesle! Any help you can render the Watch would be greatly—”
2.44 He shuddered. Fuzzylips—whose name was actually Wesle—had a deep hatred towards the Antinium shared by most humans. She made no comment, but smiled again as she looked at the [Alchemist]’s shop. Some horrible odor was wafting from the inside.
2.44 “Well, thanks for taking me here Fuzz—Wesle.”
2.48 “But it wasn’t our fault, Fuzzy—Wesle.”
2.48 Not so here. And it was also apparently rare for the City Watch to be called in for matters where civilians fought adventurers. Erin had had to convince Wesle that they had been the ones to beat the adventurers into a pulp, which had now led to this interesting situation.
2.48 Erin glared at Wesle. He looked like he wanted to tear out his peach fuzz.
2.48 The flat look Wesle got from both Erin and Ryoka was echoed by several of the female members of the Watch. To Wesle’s credit, he realized when continuing would be a bad idea and raised his hands in surrender.
2.48 The flat look Wesle got from both Erin and Ryoka was echoed by several of the female members of the Watch. To Wesle’s credit, he realized when continuing would be a bad idea and raised his hands in surrender.
2.48 Behind him, one of the guardswomen gave Erin a thumbs up. She smiled and waved back. Wesle looked resigned.
2.48 Wesle hesitated, and then shook his head.
2.48 Wesle shifted his attention to Ryoka and eyed her dubiously. She eyed him back.
2.48 There probably was a rule against picking fights with adventurers, but Ryoka doubted anyone in the Runner’s Guild would enforce it. They’d probably celebrate any news of adventurers getting beaten up. And both she and Wesle knew it.
2.48 Ryoka shifted idly from one foot to the other. Her feet were getting slightly cold on the frozen cobblestones. Wesle looked back at her again.
2.48 She’d almost forgotten that she was outside in a t-shirt and shorts and without shoes. Ryoka grinned at Wesle’s reaction.
2.48 Ryoka glared as Wesle hesitated, clearly torn by the idea of a quick bite to eat and something to drink. Whether or not he would have abandoned his post for a few minutes was never resolved though, as a Street Runner suddenly skidded around the corner, nearly running over one of the adventurers being dragged by two of the [Guardsmen].