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  1. Xif the Multicolored
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6.09 “Hm. Well, we don’t need to go far. We’ll visit Xif, the [Alchemist] so he can send word along through his guild. And…stop by Melinni’s storehouses?”
6.09 “I can barely smell at all these days. A byproduct of my work. So you are the [Innkeeper] one hears so much about? I am Xif, [Alchemist] of…”
6.09 She heard a laugh from Rufelt, who’d also listened to the joke. Xif leaned over, chuckling. He didn’t smell that bad, actually. Once your nose shut down, that was.
6.09 “A metaphorical one does for us. Good day, Xif. Stop by this evening if you’re free. We miss you at the bar. But do remember—”
6.10 The young woman blinked at Maughin and several of his fellow [Smiths] and apprentices. She stood up to greet him, then Xif, and to Lasica’s displeasure, Melinni. They’d all come to talk more about the Pallass issue, but after a quick discussion where Lasica leaned in, they didn’t invite Erin. They filled the tables, talking to Lasica as more Drakes, Gnolls, Dullahans, and even a Garuda couple came in.
6.10 Lasica laughed. Erin had her egg. She had a lot of food, actually. Her stomach seemed to have forgotten its usual dimensions as she ate Lasica’s hot, delicious food greedily. And she found herself sitting next to Maughin, then Xif, and then others, talking to them. Not as an [Innkeeper] did to the guests, but as someone with all the time on their hands to pester Maughin about what was under his armor, or ask Xif about magical food, a topic he was only too happy to work with her on.
6.10 Lasica laughed. Erin had her egg. She had a lot of food, actually. Her stomach seemed to have forgotten its usual dimensions as she ate Lasica’s hot, delicious food greedily. And she found herself sitting next to Maughin, then Xif, and then others, talking to them. Not as an [Innkeeper] did to the guests, but as someone with all the time on their hands to pester Maughin about what was under his armor, or ask Xif about magical food, a topic he was only too happy to work with her on.
Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.1) Xif! Hey! Thanks for coming!”
Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.1) The [Bartender] and [Chef] couple came over, smiling widely. Erin stepped back as the two introduced Krshia and the Liscorian Gnolls to Xif. She was tickled to see the Gnolls begin to sniff at Xif and recoil slightly. He nodded apologetically.
Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.1) The [Bartender] and [Chef] couple came over, smiling widely. Erin stepped back as the two introduced Krshia and the Liscorian Gnolls to Xif. She was tickled to see the Gnolls begin to sniff at Xif and recoil slightly. He nodded apologetically.
Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.1) “I’m the proprietor of Cunning Crafts. I apologize about the smell. I can’t seem to shake it; it’s a byproduct of being an [Alchemist] and having fur. I’ve thought about shaving, but that’s no pretty sight. City Gnoll, Xif. [Alchemist]. A pleasure to meet you all.”
Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.1) He shook Krshia’s paw like he might a Drake instead. Looking very surprised, Krshia put a smile on her face and shook Xif’s paw.
Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.1) “Ah. A pleasure. I was told I might make your acquaintance, Honored Xif.”
Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.1) “Just Xif, please. I must confess, I’m not one for politics. But…I heard there was a great deal of interesting things to see here, and I had met Miss Solstice. So I’m delighted to come. Truly.”
Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.1) Xif’s eyes flickered to the three [Senators], who were looking around the inn with interest and wariness. Then he smiled at Erin, who entered the almost all-Gnoll conversation as naturally as could be.