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Yvlon Byres

  1. One-Armed Slaughterer
  2. Silverarm
  3. Silver-Killer
  4. Slaughterer of Silver
  5. The Silver Killer of Izril
  6. Yv
  7. Yvlon
  8. Yvlon Silverarm
  9. Yvlon the Silver Arm
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Chapter Text
1.47 R That came from a scarred man who only wore a longsword at his side. Captain Rois. He wasn’t armored like the other adventurer captains, but then, he clearly didn’t feel the need while they were sitting in an Adventurer’s Guild talking. He folded his arms and shook his head at Calruz and the only female captain, Yvlon.
1.47 R “Why not let the other adventurers go in first and wait for at least one or two to come back for more insight? I know I organized us to talk—but I’m still not sold myself. This isn’t like you, Yvlon. I could see Calruz wanting to go in, but how’d he manage to talk you into it?”
1.47 R Yvlon, the woman in silver armor, smiled at the other captain.
1.47 R Yvlon winced, and Menes shook his head, pushing himself back from the table. Calruz was no negotiator. But Cervial didn’t seem to have taken much offense. He studied Calruz and then asked a question.
1.47 R Yvlon shook her head, distraught. She glanced at the mage captain hopefully.
1.47 R Everyone glanced up, because Yvlon had invoked a famous name. The Silver Swords. Gold-ranks. Menes hesitated brushing at his robes and then shook his head reluctantly.
1.47 R Yvlon leaned over the table despondently as Calruz glared at the closed door.
1.47 R Yvlon raised her eyebrows at Cervial. It was rare that anyone heard Calruz talking about any Human positively, let alone like this.
1.47 R Yvlon Byres, Silver-rank adventurer. I’m Captain of the Silver Spears, and I wanted to make your acquaintance.”
1.47 R Calruz snorted, and the other adventurers nodded as Yvlon, the fabulously armored and beautiful captain, continues lavishing praise on me. It’s actually getting to be more annoying than the questions.
1.47 R I look up. Everyone’s staring at me. I must have not been paying attention. I try not to turn red, fail, and look at Yvlon.
1.47 R Yeah, that’s right. I’m about as blunt as a hammer to the face. But Yvlon only smiles.
1.47 R All the adventurers nod in sudden understanding. Okay, maybe boxing does exist in this world and Yvlon’s just a prat. Or someone who appreciates literature. I could respect that*.
1.47 R Yvlon Byres is leader of the Silver Spears, but she’s also part of a noble family, Ryoka. House Byres. Up north. They deal in…silver I think?”
1.47 R Yvlon corrects Ceria with a smile.