Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
“Tallfolk Lamia. You are a poor [Mage]. I would fail you out of my second-year classes. I am an [Alchimagus] of Paeth. The entire time we have spent talking? I have been casting spells. Including now.”
“I’m writing up a post-triage system now that I have the help of experts like the Fraerling [Alchimagi] and [Physicians]. We can follow patients and prescribe the right treatments. But we’ll need a code system and speaking stones geared to every expert.”
The Architects—the ruling body of this city, Paeth by the Coast—were the only ones with permanent access to this place. Of course, in regular times, any number of the best [Engineers], [Alchimagi], and countless other classes would be allowed access to this place.
“Arrogance, Rafaema, has undone our kind from the moment we existed. If I was at full strength, in my prime, I’d hesitate to take on a Draconic Titan without preparations. Do you understand? They were made by rituals on par with a Level 70 [Alchimagus]. It can kill me.”