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- [Beggars]
These are aliases for "[Beggar]".
Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
Chapter | Text |
4.02 K | Overkill for a small [Lord]’s house and his retainers. But that was how the Black Judgment worked. Anyone who broke the law and refused to honor their debts was punished, be it a [King] or a [Beggar]. Venith’s stomach twisted. Now that he looked, he saw the army that accompanied Flos was no true army. Their numbers lay in the hundreds, possibly not coming close to a thousand. |
4.20 E | “We can’t live, Prost. Not with what we have. We’re this close to selling what we own and going to the nearest town to become [Beggars], the lot of us.” |
6.13 K | It was not an endless stream, just eight or so wagons. And the streets were hardly paved with gold, and the [Beggars] weren’t as rich as [Lords]. But the King of Destruction still rode through his city, followed by a caravan heaped with gold and artifacts. And when the roar of the crowd that flocked out to meet him reached Nawal’s ears, it felt like the entire palace shook. |
6.17 S | [Kings] have been made into [Beggars] from that line alone. But while Farri might have been a high-level [Merchant], he was true to his word. Better to have a client that might come back again than earn a reputation as a [Swindler]. His prices were fair, and Selys bought too much. A magical vault, a small bag of holding, a quill that could automatically refill itself from the matching inkpot, a talisman that kept away bugs from her house, a little cooling stone, and a very bouncy ball that bounced away from you until you said the retrieval word… |
7.20 | The passionate argument was attracting attention. Kevin furtively edged away and kept begging. One of the [Beggars] was taking notes from his unique style. But then—Rose began to sniff. |
7.26 | “I don’t want to be a [Laborer]. I think I got…[Layabout]? [Beggar], from Invrisil. Um—[Rider] when we were on the horses…what were the other two? [Potter], oh yeah…I turned them all down. I think I’m a Level 4 [Warrior]. That’s about it. I should probably have gotten rid of the [Warrior] class.” |
7.26 | Lyonette stared. But she would have taken them all! Except [Layabout]. And maybe [Beggar]. She searched for words. |
7.26 | “Because that’s not me. I’m not a [Laborer]. Or a [Beggar].” |
7.50 | He fled. The other two [Beggar]-[Thieves] turned to run. |
7.56 | “I am a [Fartraveller Bard], a [Bard of Stories]. I have been both. I have seen terrible tragedies, walked through war, and spoken with those who fought against legends, both monsters and men like the King of Destruction. I have performed for [Kings] and [Beggars] and been humbled by both former and latter. Tonight though, I think we have no time for such stories. Nor shall I compete with Elisial!” |
8.66 | He was going to die, a hundred coins or not. The man was a Human. A [Beggar]…no, wait. They didn’t have such classes, so he couldn’t magically suck coins from passing money pouches. |
8.74 DR | “You are all worthless. The children no one wants. You have no future. Each nation and city and town has no place for you. [Beggars] and [Outcasts] and [Street Urchins].” |
Interlude – Mundanity and Memorials | A Drake stood like a [Beggar] in front of a [King]’s treasury. In every sense of the word, because the gates were open. A rich paradise of…content lay beyond. A trove, if not in exactly gold, then information, knowledge, and spectacle. |
Interlude – Relationships | He didn’t have security along the streets. The crowd was begging for autographs like [Beggars] for coin. There were no flower petals, no music—no celebration for heroes in battle. |
Interlude – Death and Stitches | “Furthermore, do you think a disappearing person is simply gone? Drakes, Gnolls, Humans, have families. Even the most unloved person has an enemy or acquaintance who will take notice of their absence. Even a [Beggar] suddenly gone might be observed. Az’kerash wishes to keep hidden. Why would endangering him by killing a citizen of that city be wise?” |