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[Blade of War]

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14 mentions
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Chapter Text
8.64 K The [Blade of War] turned. No [Swordswoman]. Nor [Blademaster], nor [Soldier]. Not a warrior or adventurer. Turned and performed the sword art again, as Nawalishifra went back to her work. With no meaning other than this.
9.04 [Blade of War]. A class for someone who had leapt into the fighting with the King of Destruction, fought in the siege for Reim, and never looked back. It might have been responsible for Teresa’s sharp look—you tended to get defined arms and calves when you spent all day stabbing people and riding around on a horse.
10.12 H (Pt. 1) The [Bloodglass Mage] and [Chaos Schemer] rolled his eyes as the [Blade of War] clearly complained. Teresa threw a punch, and Trey winced as it hit his shoulder so hard his horse jolted. In response, his Sand Golem, the adorable Minizi, tried to attack Teresa with her own sword.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2) The Silver Killer still didn’t quite get it, so Elena scooted forwards as Teresa wandered around the camp, brushing her teeth. The [Blade of War] clearly caught the next words.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2) She was still a [Blade of War], and even if it wasn’t as fancy as Trey’s class, she could run, fight, and act on the level of an athlete from her world, if not better. She steadied herself on the lip of the carriage, anchoring herself with the guardrails that could keep passengers or luggage in place. Soon, the magical vehicle took off.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2) The [Blade of War] didn’t catch on, and Colth stared at her, then added a few more copper coins, then made a show of patting his belt pouch.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2) “…is a crutch you relied on during the campaign. You should have taken it off when Flos fell into slumber. But I can’t fault you for that. You shall take off your armor and train without for the day when it fails. Now, step forwards, Teresa Atwood, the [Blade of War] for a king with too many.”
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2) The [Blade of War] could not be less impressed. The Pedagogia threw her head back and laughed, and the entire room laughed with her until Teres flushed—they were authentic, natural guffaws, or so they sounded. It stopped as she lifted a finger.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 2) The [Blade of War] turned, hesitated, and then blushed fiercely red.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 3) She was fit, a [Blade of War], but fitness in battle didn’t mean the same as cardio fitness in running, and it was running they were doing. Pure, hellish roadwork on a level way beyond Trey and Maximillian’s loads.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 3) …She didn’t dislike Teresa’s mentality. The [Blade of War] was making a whistling, panting noise.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 3) The [Blade of War]’s smile was wry.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 3) She was wandering down the beach, having lost her tired escort, when she ran into Teresa again. The [Blade of War] was skipping stones into the waves.
Heroes of Hraace (Pt. 3) Ceria was having a hard time standing up, so she leaned on Teresa. The [Blade of War] sighed, but kept Ceria up.