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- [Bushwhacker]
These are aliases for "[Bushwacker]".
Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
Total mentions
Chapters with the most mentions
Interlude chapters are abbreviated with "I." for readability.
Books with the most mentions
These counts only include released books, so, if mentions occur outside that range, they won't appear in this chart.
Volumes with the most mentions
Chapter | Text |
10.18 E | The Fraerling [Bushwhacker] also didn’t really like how the one who had contacted Eurise had found him or how he couldn’t say how he knew all this, only that she was sending messages for help. Nevertheless, Roja sighed. |
10.24 E | He held out his other hand to shake, and Ulvama looked at Roja. The [Bushwacker] shrugged. |
10.24 E | Ulvama was watching her, but Erin just sat there, waiting, eyes focused on the hill they were moving towards. The hamster watched her as well; Erin was distracted, checking the edge of the shortsword, glancing at Roja as the [Bushwacker] shoved at one of her companions telling stories of how she’d run afoul of local wildlife as a rookie. |
10.24 E | She raced back as the [Bushwacker] kept firing. She just aimed and fired and kept hitting the dragonflies, usually in the head. |
10.24 E | Ulvama and Erin gave Roja more looks of horror as the [Bushwacker] eyed the eggs. She sighed. |
10.24 E | It didn’t stop the [Bushwacker] from sampling a bit more, and Jossec was very complimentary, as were other Fraerlings who came by to try the new foods and agree they had merit. |