Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
This world had no boxers. No tradition of the sport, at least, not in Izril. There were [Gladiators] in Chandrar, [Mercenaries] in Baleros, and [Sellswords] throughout the world, but no boxers. At first Ryoka had been sure that Alber was from her world. But he hadn’t looked up at hearing the song’s name.
“This is very reminiscent of gladiatorial combat I have read about in Chandrar. Do any of the participating Antinium have the [Gladiator] class, by any chance?”
“And here we are headed to a dangerous section where the famous leaping crocodiles of Nerrhavia await! The [Guards] are ready, and we believe this early they will be napping…we shall cross this part of our voyage through the great Kingdom of Nerrhavia, before you glorious viewers will be witness to a battle between [Gladiators] in our capital city’s arena! Do not miss it, at midday—”
He’d seen the Boredivual himself. He’d fought said leaping crocs as a living man and had no desire to see Nerrhavia’s pet [Explorer] show off his kingdom’s glories and praise it every two minutes. The [Gladiators] were interesting, though. Fetohep checked for bets and placed one while the scrying mirror flickered back to the Drake at the desk.
Iert, who was until now, nameless, was a Gnoll with reddish fur, like the redwood tree, who was born of [Slaves] and raised in Nerrhavia. He had become a [Gladiator], and became champion of Nerrhavia’s greatest arena, the Coliseum of Glass, and won his freedom.
Yvlon Byres found herself unshackled, put in a cell with stout metal bars, amid the company of other [Gladiators], prisoners, and so on. She wanted to shout for Desais. Protest her innocence! This was injust! Unfair!
The woman with a metal arm and jagged stump for another turned as the jailors left. The [Gladiators] and prisoners turned to see the newcomer. They eyed Yvlon Byres, the fresh sacrifice for the Arena of Rust, the newcomer, easy pr—
It cost money to feed and house them, and that was a luxury most didn’t have. A [Bandit] normally got the noose. However, Chandrar put their prisoners to work. They made slaves out of them or—as Yvlon now knew intimately—made them [Gladiators].
Even the [Storm Bandits] seemed to think they’d struck out. Because a prisoner or worse, [Slave], would be worked until they dropped. But a [Gladiator]?
All the String Folk looked astonished she didn’t know, but [Gladiators] were a story of a different continent. As much a fairy tale, as well, jungles in Baleros. Yvlon had dreamed of going to such places, but she hadn’t studied.
“Well…a good [Gladiator] that wins—or puts on a good show—can earn a patron. They can get better cells. If they do well enough for long enough, you can win your freedom! Freedom as someone’s [Bodyguard], or the champion of a city! There’s more than one criminal who ended up living fat for the rest of their days after winning an arena, or the championship.”