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- [Guardspeople]
- [Guardswoman]
These are aliases for "[Guardsman]".
Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
Chapter | Text |
1.06 | “What about it? Oh, are you wondering about mine? I’m a [Spearmaster]. This idiot’s a [Swordslayer]. We both have levels in [Guardsman] as well, but not nearly as much as our primary classes. Pretty cool, huh?” |
1.11 | “Tribes and tribulations. Excuse me, Miss. Watch the blood. If that [Guardsman] asks…pretend you never saw me. I’ve got to get this to the [Butchers] before the Acid Flies are all over.” |
1.13 | “Good morning, Miss Human! It’s me, your favorite [Guardsman]! And how are you doing this fine morning?” |
1.15 | There was a time, not long ago, that he could remember when no one spoke to him when he became a [Guardsman]. When every eye was hostile or cautious. |
1.15 | Swords at the ready, Klbkch charged up the slight incline towards the inn. He moved extremely quickly—his long legs combined with his levels in the [Guardsman] class that gave him [Enhanced Movement], which turned the several miles into a blur behind him. |
1.15 | As a [Guardsman], he was the fourth in order of levels in the entire city of Liscor. His other talents put him in the top three fighters in the entire Watch day by day. Once, it wouldn’t have been a competition. He was capable of handling most Goblin varieties, but if he was outnumbered, he would retreat. |
1.15 | “Indeed not. Two individuals taking the [Soldier] class, for instance, may learn different Skills at the same level. It is a matter of need and inclination which allows individuals to learn skills. For instance, while Relc is a higher-level warrior than I, he is not of a higher level in the actual [Guardsman] class and thus does not possess the [Detect Guilt] skill.” |
1.18 | The Drake shopkeeper made a strangled shrieking sound. He tried to block Relc, but the Drake [Guardsman] was already happily trashing his store. Erin hid a grin. |
1.19 R | The [Guardsman] blinks, and suddenly, I have his attention. |
1.19 R | I point in the vague direction I came, and the [Guardsman] peers as if he thinks he can see them. |
1.19 R | The [Guardsman] hesitates, and his face screws up in agony. Yep—this is just like home. He’s clearly weighing being responsible for me being late. He curses, then waves me through. |
1.25 | His statement confounded Erin, who hadn’t thought the Workers had any desires, and Klbkch himself. The [Guardsman] replied slowly. |
1.30 | “Thanks to you, the only Antinium Guardsman in the city is dead. The fourth highest-level [Guardsman]. A Senior Guardsman—the liaison to the Free Hive…” |
1.34 | He shouted at the backs of the Drake adventurers, but they ignored him. Fuming, Relc went to chase after them, but the other [Guardsman] grabbed him. Relc and the Drake began arguing furiously. |
1.49 | “This thief has some good magic—and not just the fire magic. A magical item, maybe. And high-level [Guardsmen] do get tracking skills, but almost all of the Watch here are former soldiers. We’ve got more levels in combat classes than our current class. We did have one [Guardsman] with high levels, but that was Klbkch..” |