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Interlude – Blackmage “A [Mage] or [Magus] is commonly understood to be a general practitioner of magic. By contrast, Wistram does have a few [Wizards]. They would be considered more scholarly and wield magics in the form of prepared spells or items. It would be easiest to understand them as ‘[Mages] who rely on wands’, whereas a [Mage] may choose to use an artifact or not as the situation demands. One is a general class, the other is specific, even cumbersome to obtain. Does that make sense?”
7.03 A huge flaming ball of fire appeared. The [Magus] threw it and the fireball engulfed the Wyvern in an explosion. The Drake turned as the scorched, burnt form of the second Wyvern slumped, burning.
7.07 Grimalkin nodded. The [Magus] paused, and then extended a claw. Saliss glanced up as the burly Drake murmured.
Interlude – A Night in the Inn Her face fell as the [Magus] avoided looking directly at her.
7.26 “But why would you bother, young Drake? Change your form with spells. I admire the willpower it takes. However…you are no [Athlete], but a [Magus].”
7.38 He took lots of notes because he was a [Magus] and a scholar and he believed in gathering evidence, proving theories. He did not act incautiously.
8.51 D To Luan’s great amusement, the [Alchemist]-[Magus], Resk, was poking his head out of his place, though he’d tied a piece of string to keep himself from flying away. The older Fraerling with a beard, [Mage]’s robes, was screaming back at his bodyguards.
Interlude – Hectval (Pt. 2) The class of [Mage] could be [Magus] as well, but the two were not interchangeable. [Magus] had other connotations that sometimes indicated royalty, a bent towards academia, and so on.
Interlude – Hectval (Pt. 2) The class of [Mage] could be [Magus] as well, but the two were not interchangeable. [Magus] had other connotations that sometimes indicated royalty, a bent towards academia, and so on.
9.14 VM [Apprentice] or [Hedge Mage] or [Spellcaster], the many classes of the self-taught, became a full [Mage], [Magus], or [Sorcerer] with training. They evolved to specialties, like [Wizard], [Druid], [Pyromancer], and so on. But [High Mage] was denoted as a further step towards power. From there, [Grand Magus] was the next step before [Archmage] became the symbol of true mastery recognized worldwide. There were higher classes, but Wistram still used the term ‘Archmage’ because of how it was perceived by all.
9.41 (Pt. 3) Then he was gone. Before Halrac could move, Grimalkin put a hand on his shoulder. The huge [Magus] gave Halrac a knowing look as Liska got to her feet, shouting curses at Xitegen’s back.
9.55 (Pt. 2) Bethal gasped, and Lyonette’s head whirled. She saw Grimalkin had his back to them all…but as she edged sideways, she realized the [Magus] who had survived countless battlefields was using a mirror to observe them! He shifted as she saw it, and Pryde’s head rose.
10.20 E Wiskeria stepped forwards and wrenched the woman’s head away, so hard she nearly broke Reyna’s neck. But Reyna’s eyes were open wide, and the [Magus] emitted a high-pitched scream.