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  1. [Reporters]
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Chapter Text
6.52 K –Rémi Canada, [Reporter].
6.52 K “Hm? Oh, yes. Interesting name I suppose. And [Reporter]—similar to [Crier] I think? Odd, but certainly fascinating! If what they say is true, I imagine these other nations are attempting to keep this blunder secret. I can only imagine this fellow has a sizeable bounty, as they said. Or is it female? Fascinating indeed…”
6.52 K [Reporter]. Erin stared at the parchment. Then she looked up. She started as she saw Pisces looking at her.
6.52 K “This…[Reporter] has undoubtedly incurred the wrath of all the nations mentioned in this article. It would be unwise to contact them on an unsecured [Message] spell sent through the Mage’s Guild. They read your correspondence. Believe me.”
6.52 K “Yes. The Siren of Songs is furious. As are a number of other rulers who have become aware of the article. The Mage’s Guilds are not being subtle about how they advertise this…journalism. Send word—carefully—to instruct the Mage’s Guilds not to reveal the location of this [Reporter].”
6.53 K “Ah. That’s the second thing. These—articles. And this [Reporter] who seems to be interviewing [Soldiers]. Have you any idea where they are? Queen Yisame is rather upset about this person, and she has commanded me to find them. Naturally, I leap to her word, but I am fighting a war at the moment.”
6.54 K The [Reporter]. The damned Remi Canada person that his [Queen] had ordered him to find. This would be in another of their articles! Now, Thelican regretted not hunting them down. But he hadn’t predicted this.
7.13 K Enough leg exercises. Raelt began stretching out his fingers, arms. Neck too. He could hear the King of Destruction laughing. And there—there was the [Reporter].
7.37 The Drake [Reporter] shuffled her notes. She was excited. You could hear it in her voice. Drassi Tewing spoke into the ‘camera’, wondering where the term had come from. She was gesturing at the battle below.
7.43 G “Aren’t you the new [Reporter] on the broadcast?”
7.44 “The Bannermare of Baleros has—has engaged Tulm the Mithril. We are reporting live with aerial footage thanks to our Garuda [Reporter] on scene. Our new Balerosian wing—ahem—of Wistram News Network, rather. Kerik, what can you tell us about what we’re seeing?”
7.44 The Titan’s chortle was audible, but only that as the Garuda [Reporter] fled from the arrows shooting upwards.
7.44 “We’ll have more details on casualties, fallout, and perhaps an interview with the Titan or the Bannermare for you after the break. Now—back to our scheduled event with…our [Reporter]. Miss Drassi?”
7.47 K As was often said, the world watched. Noass and Drassi were commentating. At one point, the [Gossip] turned [Reporter] just threw her notes up in the air.
7.48 K “Right. Hi, everyone! This is Drassi from Liscor, your favorite female [Reporter]! Because I’m the only one regularly employed. So…listen. I try to say things like I see them. And yesterday, during our coverage of the huge war with the King of Destruction, I made some comments about the kidnapping of Princess Jecaina of Jecrass and Medain.”