Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
Yes, a great [Mage] was a [Pyromancer], a [Seer], an [Alchemist], a [Sword Mage], a [Warlock], a [Druid]—although Pisces was leery about getting tattooed. And any true mage, any true purveyor of knowledge and secrets had to have other skills as well.
“The conversation. It’s going through Wistram. Tiqr doesn’t have a [Diviner] or [Seer] or anyone capable of sending a [Scrying] spell at the moment. So she has to request a third party to link her scrying mirror with Reim’s.”
“High King. I am a [High King]; two nations fall under my aegis. And I did not request. I informed the academy of the parade. Why have they not sent their [Seers] or [Diviners] to broadcast it?”
They were having a hard time of it. The Wistram [Seer] who had rushed to A’ctelios was trying her best. But the people of A’ctelios were literally frothing at the mouth in parts. And they had sharp teeth.
Noass stared as Orthenon rode down on the [Mage]. And instantly, the [Seer] panicked. He began putting up shield spells and shouting as the [Steward] rode down on him, spear readied.
The Truestone Golem looked at the [Seer] on duty collecting [Messages]. After all, Wistram coordinated the world’s [Messages] by and large, at least through the Mage’s Guild. It was like…the post office, to use Aaron Vanwell’s expressions. And that was an odd comparison.
She missed nothing, from the look of relief on the [Seer]’s face as she hurried away—or the hidden disdain. Cognita said nothing, though. Merely unfolded the parchment.
“—inbred, half–baked [Seers] with all the sense of a slug! I’m a [Mage] of Wistram and your hedge-mage brains are getting me and my fellow Couriers ambushed! If you don’t cancel that spell now, I’ll run back to the Academy, find the idiot who thought it was a good idea to put a damned scrying spell on us when we have [Assassins] up our asses and rip their lungs out! Cancel that spell now you worthless, worm-addled—”
The stream of invectives didn’t slow for a good minute. The [Seer] receiving the spell kept wincing and looked at the [Diviner] in charge of the broadcast.
Things got confusing really quickly around [Illusionists]. And the Elusive Lot were the leaders of the Ullsinoi faction who were made up of well, [Illusionists]. [Tricksters]. [Diviners], [Seers] too, and [Mages] who dabbled on the illicit side of life…
In reality, the problem with a [Scrying] spell not bound to a person—and no one could scry the three directly—was that you had to move it in every axis. Up, down, left, right—even managing the coordinate system meant an entire class of [Diviner], [Seer], [Scrier], had to manage one spell.
A second Queen appeared in a second mirror. Illuminated by another beam of light. The [Seer] noted the change in location; no Antinium around her. The Armored Queen’s voice was slow, ponderous…almost stilted. The Drake made a note—‘different cadence observed’.