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6.38 [Soulbard]. That was a purpose in itself. But more than that. More, oh so much more. It was—it wasn’t justice. It wasn’t enough for all the dead. But for one Goblin? He thought about his new Skill.
7.06 The [Soulbard]’s voice was just a bit sarcastic. Erin faltered.
7.43 G As the Hobgoblin drank, someone walked up to him and handed him a card. Mrsha. The Hobgoblin [Soulbard] took it and read.
7.50 The [Soulbard] blinked at Thaina. She nodded.
7.60 He reached out and touched Numbtongue’s chest. The [Soulbard] closed his eyes.
7.62 Reiss. The [Soulbard] ignored the ghost.
8.03 She’d have to try again. A [Soulbard]. Ulvama didn’t know the class, but she could investigate by memory. A [Shaman] remembered.
8.17 H [Soulbard]. I don’t know.”
8.28 Numbtongue gave it one last try. The [Soulbard] slashed, and bisected Belavierr’s head from her shoulders. His sword cut her head off and he whirled back from the slash.
8.29 The [Soulbard] flexed his hand. Did he have the strength to bring Mrsha back? He had failed to harm Belavierr. And this—Wanderer—had her.
8.29 He had leveled up. The [Soulbard] felt the new Skill burning in his claws, ready to be used.
8.35 The [Soulbard] chewed on a sandwich, glanced at Octavia. She nodded enthusiastically.
Interlude – Of Vampires and Fraerlings Then the [Soulbard] looked up and grunted.
8.52 MN He agreed, but he looked up at Numbtongue. The [Soulbard] silently spread his claws apart. What should I do?
8.52 MN Numbtongue? Some of the Goblins regarded him with a kind of respect. But Chieftain Shaik stared at Numbtongue and the [Soulbard] shifted.