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Eternal Throne of Calanfer

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26 mentions
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Chapter Text
2.25 Curse them. If she had one last wish, she would have sent fire and death to that city of monsters, Liscor. They had killed her. Her, a scion of the Marquin house, one of the Hundred Families of Terandria, Sixth Princess in line to the Eternal Throne of Calanfer.
6.03 “I am Lyonette du Marquin, a [Princess]. Sixth in line to the Eternal Throne of Calanfer, which isn’t actually eternal. We date about six thousand years back.”
7.16 L Lyonette du Marquin, 6th Princess in line for the Eternal Throne of Calanfer, sighed. She gestured at the bowl.
7.21 KQ “Knight-Commander Calirn, I am Ser Dalimont of the Thronebearers of Calanfer. The Thronebrearers of the Eternal Throne of Calanfer greet you on this dark day. If it is not troublesome in this moment, may we speak of inconsequential matters before the arrival of our lost fallen?”
7.23 LM It looked like a little halo. A hovering blessing you had to look for to see. The heraldry of The Eternal Throne of Calanfer. Lyonette gasped.
7.62 “…They don’t fix poison half the time, either. But—what about the Eternal Throne of Calanfer?”
8.06 RT Reclis of House Marquin, King of the Eternal Throne of Calanfer.
8.07 L She remembered the Eternal Throne of Calanfer. She remembered her family and how she had acted. She was ashamed.
8.07 L The Eternal Throne of Calanfer—the official name for the crown and capital city of Calanfer—was a wondrous place.
Interlude – Paradigm Shift (Pt. 2) Archmage Chandler knelt before the Eternal Throne of Calanfer, applauded by thousands as the Lightherald bowed beside the throne. He smiled, and took the [Knight]’s hand as he rose.
8.24 That mattered in Terandria. Calanfer’s [Princesses] were a type of wealth the Eternal Throne of Calanfer used. Marriages could give classes; at the very least they conferred status and connections with Calanfer. The appeal was more than just immediate as well. If a [Baron] or a [Lord] married a [Princess], their children became royalty, and had the potential, however faint, to succeed the throne.
8.24 They didn’t know the older two like Seraphel did, but the 4th Princess of Calanfer had grown up with her siblings for a while before they’d begun to be married off, and they did like to visit ‘home’, the capital and Eternal Throne of Calanfer.
8.28 “The Eternal Throne of Calanfer! To glory! Protect the child!”
8.48 H The Eternal Throne of Calanfer by Enuryn!
8.62 K “Your history lessons, probably. This is Marquin, the first [Queen] of Calanfer. One of the heroes of the Creler Wars. One of the ones who took the fight to Rhir. She was given Calanfer’s lands as part of her deeds. Imagine that; even if Terandria was partly in ruins. The Eternal Throne of Calanfer, the entire kingdom started because of one woman’s ability to kill Crelers. You had to admire that.”