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6.44 E They bordered the Eternal Land of Calanfer, Gaiil-Drome one of the forest-kingdoms who lived in uneasy peace with half-Elf populations, and bordered by the powerful nation of Ailendamus, whose breadth and span was thrice that of all three other nations.
6.44 E But though all three had been tested, the alliance between Calanfer, Gaiil-Drome, and Kaliv had held back even Ailendamus and six other nations in the last war, Petril’s Folly, which had been twenty eight years hence. Because Kaliv had settled the high plateaus and a mountain itself. Poor in arable land it might be, like the Dwarves of Terandria, they had endured any foe who might assail them.
7.08 K “They say there will be war with Ailendamus soon. If it occurs, it would be the entire kingdom versus Kaliv, Calanfer, and Gaiil-Drome, assuming the old pact holds. Phaislant would be included as well, given their relationship with Ailendamus.”
7.21 KQ “Then Calanfer, Kaliv, and Gaiil-Drome will go to war against Ailendamus. And so will its [Knights]. Candidly—Pheislant has no reason to support Ailendamus and many reasons to oppose it. But I do not know if the Order of Seasons marches to war.”
Interlude – The Gecko of Illusions In this particular case, the upcoming conflict with Ailendamus and the southern realms was worrying any number of people. So far it was looking to be Ailendamus versus the traditional bulwark of Calanfer, Kaliv, and Gaiil-Drome. The Dawn Concordat as they were known, was known for having broken any number of nations sent against them. But Ailendamus had swelled of recent years, and their ruler, King Itorin II, was looking for easy victories.
8.06 RT As one of the three members of the Dawn Concordat, the alliance of Calanfer, Kaliv, and Gaiil-Drome, Kaliv was naturally the first guard in northern aggression. Calanfer, most southern, would fight foes to the east and coming up from the coast. The kingdom of Gaiil-Drome, forested, home to a large half-Elf population and the half-Elven villages was considered safest in times of war; Pheislant was one of the few nations that would attack from the west.
8.06 RT As one of the three members of the Dawn Concordat, the alliance of Calanfer, Kaliv, and Gaiil-Drome, Kaliv was naturally the first guard in northern aggression. Calanfer, most southern, would fight foes to the east and coming up from the coast. The kingdom of Gaiil-Drome, forested, home to a large half-Elf population and the half-Elven villages was considered safest in times of war; Pheislant was one of the few nations that would attack from the west.
8.06 RT But of course, that had been during a particularly ugly war where Kaliv had been all but beaten. If they made it to Krawlnmak’s Pass—Calanfer and Gaiil-Drome were in danger of falling because the Dawn Concordat had expended its power and failed to keep Kaliv from being overrun.
8.06 RT Solen Wildheart, the Ruler of the Forests of Gaiil-Drome.
8.06 RT Thus, the Dawn Concordat met the Ailendamus force with seventy thousand of their own forces, drawing most heavily upon Kaliv’s standing armies, but supplementing them with conscripts from Calanfer. Gaiil-Drome supplied their [Woodland Rangers], half-Elven soldiery, as well as some of their [Forest Knights], but in fewer numbers; they contributed twelve thousand dedicated [Archers] as their main focus.
8.06 RT The engagement between both armies began with both height and the local city favoring the Dawn Concordat, as well as a slight numbers advantage. Gaiil-Drome’s famous [Archers] were ready to harry the opposition whilst Kaliv’s Griffins secured the skies and dropped projectiles as well as dove to assault the enemy. The Thronebearers would take to the field in the center, and be supplemented by flank charges by the other [Knights] and ram-cavalry.
8.06 RT As the battle began Ailendamus proved to have the superior range even to Gaiil-Drome’s [Archers]. The heavy lance-arrows threatened and unnerved the Dawn Concordat’s army as they landed, sowing chaos and reminding everyone of a similar battle between the King of Destruction and the House of Minos. They even killed two Griffins before they could harass Ailendamus’ forces, although that was accorded a lucky shot, even with Skills.
8.06 RT “I was lucky enough to know half-Elves—not in a traditional village, but a proper settlement that traded with my hamlet. I grew up in Gaiil-Drome—the forest nation. I always thought they were much maligned when I heard stories of them later.”
8.07 L The Dawn Concordat was interesting. They had excellent archers from Gaiil-Drome, and half-Elf forces to call upon. Griffins from Kaliv, as well as goat-cavalry. And Calanfer had the Thronebearers as well as strong political strength—and six [Princesses], three of whom were married, as well as the Second Prince, so four strong alliances with nearby kingdoms.
8.10 “I—er—yes. Gaiil-Drome, actually. The forests shelter me.”