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1058 mentions
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Chapter Text
5.08 Manus. No.
5.08 Manus. Can your Wall Lord confirm danger of threat?
5.08 Manus. What does Salazsar see?
5.08 Manus. Keep up with current events, Oteslia. Pallass, can you send visuals via [Scrying]?
5.08 Manus. Untenable. We may only watch and see what transpires. Let us hope for a miracle.
5.49 Manus is sending. Other cities, please refrain from petty disputes. Liscor, please confirm dungeon status. Reports indicate inner city. Confirm?
5.49 Manus requests list of artifacts recovered—possibility of trade for artifacts with goods or coin?
5.54 (Non-Canon) Manus joins the conference. This situation is grim. How did none of us spot this before now?
5.54 (Non-Canon) Manus. Assuming the water level drops as the [Strategist] indicated. How can the Humans be certain?
5.54 (Non-Canon) Manus. None.
5.54 (Non-Canon) Manus. Are their [Strategists] all asleep or something?
5.54 (Non-Canon) Manus. And endure a bloodbath? Come on, this is Pallass we’re referring to. They’re next if Liscor falls. They’re considering whether to send all they have or…
5.54 (Non-Canon) Manus. We know. But can it be held?
5.54 (Non-Canon) Manus. Deliberations? Pallass must send forces through to Liscor now, or begin marching them north at once!
5.54 (Non-Canon) Manus. They aren’t responding. They must be weighing the odds.