The [Knight] was dueling his Gargoyle, swearing as he tried to shield his horse. He was dismounted—the first Gargoyle had knocked him from the saddle. They’d been far closer to Orefell than the adventurers had expected. They’d been ambushed by the damn things on the road. Even so, they could win if Falene—
“Celum is far to the east. The nearest city—well, town—is Somegel, and I believe the populace has mostly fled. Then we reach the city of Orefell—is Celum the only city you know?”
“So what I’m hearing is that the north is waiting on one of the Five Families to do something? You do not, in fact, intend to march to the aid of Orefell?”
“I grew up two towns over. It’s not a huge mining city. Esthelm’s arguably got more. Orefell was more…aspirational. Poor bastards were founded by a [Lord] with no sense of the land. They do better trade panning the rivers. Jade, not ore. Decent fishing—you get the same damn bitey fish around here as Orefell.”
“I grew up two towns over. It’s not a huge mining city. Esthelm’s arguably got more. Orefell was more…aspirational. Poor bastards were founded by a [Lord] with no sense of the land. They do better trade panning the rivers. Jade, not ore. Decent fishing—you get the same damn bitey fish around here as Orefell.”
“Carn Wolves, Eater Goats, Gargoyles, Wyverns. Farming’s out for the same reason. Orefell is all about semi-precious stones. If you are mining, it’s cave-mining. You hit a likely spot, grab whatever’s most precious, and leg it back to the city. No permanent seams or mines. It’s all expeditions. Anyone works hard, gets some gold, and moves back east. I did that—got a big chunk of jade and bought my first set of chainmail.”
“Well, their already bad luck just ran out. Sucks to be Orefell. I bet it’ll have to be evacuated. Even if the Horns and other Gold-rank teams are making a stand, they won’t be able to do more than pick off parts of that horde. If it divides up, maybe only a few villages will burn. If not…it’ll take a while for one of the Five Families or a few nobles to rally a big enough army to slap it down. All those militias and other cities will do their best, but Gargoyles are tough bastards, and Eater Goats don’t stop.”
Poor Orefell, and what a shame. Relc thought of Liscor’s army, but the chances of them navigating past Esthelm and all the way up and around the High Passes to Orefell from Hectval in time were impossible. Besides—it was the north’s problem. He lay back in his rocking chair and began to snore until someone threw a fork at him to make him stop.
Poor Orefell, and what a shame. Relc thought of Liscor’s army, but the chances of them navigating past Esthelm and all the way up and around the High Passes to Orefell from Hectval in time were impossible. Besides—it was the north’s problem. He lay back in his rocking chair and began to snore until someone threw a fork at him to make him stop.
Who went to the High Passes? Who could reach Orefell in time? Erin’s door was limited; even if Liscor had wanted to send Strategos Olesm, they wouldn’t have been capable of doing so. The only people who could move that fast, in general and with the door, were small groups.
The Horns of Hammerad were arranging transit to Orefell outside of Invrisil when the Halfseekers arrived. Captain Jelaqua Ivirith, pale-skinned in her dead Human body, was tying something to her belt when she called out.
“Ah, well, we thought about it. It wasn’t Maughin—it was hearing the people begging for help on the scrying orb. Orefell will never evacuate in time. We’re not looking to fight that horde, but Maughin understood; the Halfseekers couldn’t sit in Pallass. You felt the same way?”