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1.20 R Destination: Wales. It’s about thirty miles away, which makes it one of the furthest cities to travel to. I’ll get over there in a few hours and then jog over to its neighbor, Ocre. Or whatever it’s called. But I’ll stay the night in Wales since it’s bigger and has better inns.
1.20 R Destination: Wales. It’s about thirty miles away, which makes it one of the furthest cities to travel to. I’ll get over there in a few hours and then jog over to its neighbor, Ocre. Or whatever it’s called. But I’ll stay the night in Wales since it’s bigger and has better inns.
1.20 R There’s a Runner’s Guild in Wales. There’s one in almost every big city, so I can receive more requests wherever I go. That’s handy, and it means I don’t have to come back here and deal with the annoying Runners around here.
1.20 R It’s a long run. But I get it done with and enter Wales just as the sun’s turning the sky orange. Two deliveries. One here, and the other in that other city. Ocres? Whatever.
1.26 R “Oh, but won’t you stay? I’d love to share this delightful treat with you—and you’ve run so far and so quickly too! When I heard a Runner was setting out from Wales*, I was sure it would take at least an hour for you to get here!”
1.26 R *Yeah, that’s the city I left. Wales. It’s odd that it has the same name as a country from my world, but then again…it’s not. There’s only so many words in the English language after all.
1.26 R “And you look so tired! Did you do another delivery today? You Runners are out and about! Wales, Wales…I say, are you the one who bailed the Horns of Hammerad out of their predicament? I was wondering which brave Runner actually ran into a battle, and I will just bet it’s you!”
1.26 R “And you look so tired! Did you do another delivery today? You Runners are out and about! Wales, Wales…I say, are you the one who bailed the Horns of Hammerad out of their predicament? I was wondering which brave Runner actually ran into a battle, and I will just bet it’s you!”
1.26 R “They did indeed. Did you leave before the battle ended? I’m told they slew a Lich and a horde of undead. Found very little, but the bounty on a Lich is quite high, and I imagine if it was wearing any artifacts, they got those too. It sounded like they were returning to Wales for the day.”
1.35 R “We’ve travelled over a hundred miles to get here, mage. You’re supposed to be a [Necromancer] able to help us, but I haven’t heard how you’d be able to mend bone. [Necromancers] deal with the dead, so what makes you special? No [Healer] from Wales to Celum could help Ryoka!”
1.39 R Of course, she probably has the power to make Ocre and Remendia not listen, so I’ll go to Wales the next day. It turns out ‘no money’ doesn’t cover a few silver coins in my pack. Enough for a crappy room, and if I eat from my stale rations, that’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
1.39 R Wales is way far away from Remendia and Ocre. Fifty miles. She can’t…
1.44 R “Those spices you carried here. All the way from Wales. They were heavy. I saw the size of your pack. Must have been sixty, eight pounds of weight. And you jogged the entire way here?”
1.55 R “Celum? I know the area quite well. Have you been to Wales? Remendia? Do you live there?”
2.15 Then again, there is a place named Wales around here, so I suppose people just choose the same names now and then. I still have yet to run into a Lenny or a George, though. Although I did meet this one guy named Adrian a while ago. That sounds almost normal.