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Total mentions
Chapters with the most mentions
Interlude chapters are abbreviated with "I." for readability.
Books with the most mentions
These counts only include released books, so, if mentions occur outside that range, they won't appear in this chart.
Volumes with the most mentions
Chapter | Text |
6.53 K | Naili was looking at Feor. The Archmage was flicking his fingers, casting [Calm] spells on everyone, including himself. Viltach resisted the spell, but Naili let him cast it on her. Feor sighed as his heartbeat slowed. He thought, employing frigid logic, ignoring his emotions. |
6.58 | “Responsible for deaths, certainly. I will be only too happy to ask the academy to list his full crimes, Watch Captain. But my team is waiting—may I ask you to accompany me in soothing the Drake? She will need the matter explained, but I’m only too happy to use a [Calm] spell. And then we can discuss the matter of damages—for your time, we’d be only too willing to make a sizable contribution to the Watch? As a matter of gratitude?” |
6.59 | “You know, she has nightmares. Almost every night, unless she uses a [Sleep] spell. Or a [Calm] spell or something. I heard it from Palt.” |
6.64 | “[Calm]. Montressa, it’s alright.” |
6.65 | “Montressa, it’s alright. It’s just skeletons. [Calm]—” |
6.65 | “Madness. She probably lost her grip when she saw the undead! We can [Calm] her. Ulinde! Ksmvr! Let me go to her! She’s not thinking!” |
6.66 H | It was the first time they’d touched since Wistram. Montressa jerked, filled with panic. Then she looked up at Pisces. The fear filling her vanished. Palt whispered a [Calm] spell, but it was Pisces who held Montressa’s hand. With the other, he pointed. The second Bone Horror rose, whip-like arms slashing at the Crelers. Pisces looked at Montressa. |
7.23 LM | “Perhaps a [Calm] spell?” |
7.23 LM | Her eyes darted to Palt, who was muttering about [Calm] spells versus his superior [Remove Fear] spells. Montressa, and Beza, watching them like hawks. Erin looked at the others. |
7.31 | “We’re going into Liscor. To stop the riots. Palt, you know [Calm], right. Can’t you cast it on…?” |
7.31 | “Okay. Cast [Calm] and spells when I start talking. Got it?” |
7.31 | “[Calm]. [Calm].” |
7.31 | “[Calm]. [Calm].” |
7.31 | A Drake near Erin blinked. He passed a claw over his face. And Montressa saw—Beza’s [Calm] spell fading from him. He looked at Erin. She smiled. |
7.31 | “[Calm].” |