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- [Cleansed]
These are aliases for "[Cleanse]".
Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
Chapter | Text |
1.53 | “Don’t ask me. Apparently, things can develop immunities to magic. Mold, diseases—it’s why you don’t always use [Cleanse] to clean even Wistram Academy. They have Golems with mops.” |
Interlude – Wistram Days (Pt. 5) | “You need to wash your robes again, or learn a cleaning spell, Pisces. Dead gods, if you can learn [Invisibility] in one month you’d think you could look up [Cleanse] or something!” |
7.02 | “[Cleanse].” |
7.53 | “[Cleanse].” |
7.54 | Palt trotted over to check on them. Erin had to show him the invisible pumpkin—or rather, not show him. Imani was smiling as Fals offered her some water—Palt cast [Cleanse]. Ryoka and Numbtongue and some of the others jogged over to see the spraying melon; Mrsha got a faceful as she rushed over. |
Interlude – Conversations | “[Cleanse]. And bathe. Direct me to a bathhouse, please. And suitable lodgings since I suppose I should take a day to let you familiarize yourself.” |
8.57 H | “It’s—there isn’t any water. So naturally—I have been meaning to learn [Cleanse], but I—Merr, we are all in desperate straits. I will cast [Neutralize Odor]. There…done. You see? No one bathes—Merr?” |
8.57 H | “You said you were a decent [Mage]. You know a bunch of spells, right? You learned [Condensation], and you thought you could pick up [Cleanse]…” |
8.57 H | If it was her private bathrooms, she’d be casting [Cleanse] spells all day. The servant hurried off, clearly weighing having to find Irurx versus the Siren’s wrath. Revine tapped her foot until someone came hurrying to find her. |
8.63 K | There were also the degenerate monsters who took neither and just walked around accumulating and spreading filth, or the even more deranged [Mages] who cast [Cleanse] on themselves every day. |
9.05 NPR | “Well, I take care of my personal body odor. There is such a thing as [Cleanse] spells. And odor spells besides.” |
9.05 NPR | “Well…given my usual routine…I don’t think I’ve ever been in Liscor’s bath house per se. I had what was known as a steam bath in Chandrar. About two months ago. Before that…one supposes I used the stream from time to time before mastering [Cleanse]. But I don’t think I bathed—no. Not in that city. Nor—hm. W-Wistram was seven years ago, but I’m sure between then and now—” |
9.07 | “[Cleanse].” |
Interlude – The Competition | To be precise, there were things to steal, and they were all a pain or useless. The carpets had long since lost a lot of their value, and unless you had a supreme bag of holding, good luck in rolling them up and hauling them out of here. The only bedsheets that were silk were Calidus’, and he got them [Cleansed], so if you were walking out of here with them, the guards would grab you. |
Interlude – The Competition | Calidus heaved himself into a chair and sighed as Zeom glared. The [Polymath] would throw a fit and [Cleanse] it later, Calidus was sure. He hated unclean things and had built everything in this room, from the door to the chair. In fact, he’d even hand-sewn the spider-silk robes he wore. And he wore no underwear, an unfortunate fact Calidus had learned. |