Aliases are alternative forms of a reference. They can include actual aliases for characters, nicknames, plural variations, gendered versions of some [Classes], and even typos.
“[Disintegration]. [Siege Fireball], I guess. Er—[Chain Lightning]. What else can I fit in here? Well, if it’s for destruction, maybe [Mass Paralysis]. That will do.”
But he hadn’t found many things [Disintegrate] didn’t solve. Eldavin wasn’t in this for innocent deaths, so he didn’t bind something like [Tempest of the Lightning Giant]. But he was ready to obliterate anything he ran into.
A seasoned warrior. The Griffin Prince was truly immortal; she tried to sever the Stitch Witch’s bindings, but again, could not unless she was up close. She was no expert in whatever curse or hex had been woven; her time-sped soldiers impaled his companions, and he fled, but survived even [Disintegration].
He took the bait, and the Archmage of Memory descended. He had a sword-spell of Drath, [Disintegration] spells aiming for her heart, and a type of magic that mixed with alchemy, trying to ensnare her very nature.
The Ring of Disintegration was the kind of weapon you only pulled out if you were going up against a Mothbear or something. True, it was a Fraerling-sized [Disintegration] spell, but that was Tier 6 magic.
The [Avenger] was less so. He rose, screaming, empowered by his class—and Foliana [Sticky Webbed] him. The [Disintegration] spell had destroyed some of his gear, and so the webs anchored the furious Quexal to the floor.
Azemith hesitated, twined [Disintegration] spells aiming from her fingers. She focused on the strange mist that suddenly arose. Both armies slowed, and the [Mages] called out.
A pair of black wings sprouted from Erin’s back. Her eyes were slitted pupils now, and he felt like they were a pair of [Disintegration] spells boring holes in him. Then he blinked—
“Even [Historian] is a dangerous class to have. [Librarian], definitely. Ever heard of giant Silverfish that cast [Disintegrate]? I had to wipe out an entire colony. Well, ‘someone’ had to negotiate with them, and then they joined us. Then the Blighted Kingdom hit us with a plague spell, and the poor things died out. So I sent it right back at them and invented Vorepillars.”
It did not, usually, do this. There was an irrelevance to that kind of data as it pertained to Skills and classes in most cases—unless someone was hit by a [Disintegration] spell, survived somehow, and the Grand Design was assigning the right kind of ||Regeneration|| Skill.