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[Light Wall]

  1. [Lightwall]
  2. [Light Walls]
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13 mentions
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Chapter Text
8.04 T That was a Tier 4—maybe a Tier 5 spell! She wasn’t sure, but it was more than just the tier that amazed her. It was beautiful. She had seen light-spells like the [Light Wall] version of the famous wall-defensive spells, but it was just…solid light. This? This was semi-transparent, gently molded colors along the vein of yellow such that they turned to green twining tendrils like vines around the railings, orange where the bridge met stone or wood, blue down the center…
8.04 T “[Ice Wall], [Light Wall], and er…no, that should do it. [Fivefold Arcane Barrier]!”
9.19 And Palt had to enchant it so it wouldn’t break. But Ekirra came racing back with a little leather ball he liked to throw and play catch with, and the Centaur gamely enchanted it to be light and bouncy. Kevin tapped it up as Venaz cut a second piece of wood into the shape of a paddle. He raised the mismatched rackets and asked Palt to cast a [Lightwall] spell.
9.69 H (Pt. 1) The problem was that the spell was completely busted, and the [Light Wall] spell changed and altered. So at any moment, a [Light Wall] might appear diagonally—straight through you.
9.69 H (Pt. 1) The problem was that the spell was completely busted, and the [Light Wall] spell changed and altered. So at any moment, a [Light Wall] might appear diagonally—straight through you.
9.69 H (Pt. 1) His ears were still ringing from the damn Drake apparition. Colth regarded the [Light Wall] maze with narrowed eyes. He did not use a stick to confirm what he was seeing was reality—he flicked pebbles, counting where he heard a ping of them meeting a [Light Wall] barrier or landing.
9.69 H (Pt. 1) His ears were still ringing from the damn Drake apparition. Colth regarded the [Light Wall] maze with narrowed eyes. He did not use a stick to confirm what he was seeing was reality—he flicked pebbles, counting where he heard a ping of them meeting a [Light Wall] barrier or landing.
9.69 H (Pt. 1) Bograms’ illusion was messing with where the [Light Walls] were. Wonderful. However, Colth made a rough map of where he’d heard the stones land, worked out the timing…and went for it.
9.69 H (Pt. 1) [Redirect Momentum]—Colth spun, ran forwards, leapt, and heard a faint sizzling sound as his boots hit a [Light Wall]—and reached the end of the broken maze.
9.69 H (Pt. 1) Yvlon Byres saw a [Light Wall] spell appear, blocking her way around a delicate trap involving rusted lockpicks and a series of locks on the wall. She slammed into it—splintered the spell as her arm punched through—and Colth was right next to her. They turned and kept sprinting as Bograms ran after them. And his illusions were no longer keeping up with their pace.
9.69 H (Pt. 1) “Is there any [Light Wall] spell or something that could contain—”
9.69 H (Pt. 2) How? Pisces backpedaled, using [Flash Step] until his back hit a wall, and he realized the dueling circle was fenced in by a [Light Wall]. He caught an oath from Ceria and realized…her interference would be difficult.
10.27 GMG Her tribe charged past her as the Thunderbows cracked off shots. Trolls, Ogres, and Goblins formed a defensive line as more magical walls rose. The arm crashed through the first [Light Wall] spell and shattered it into splinters. Its fingers stabbed at the Goblins and Trolls, and an Ogre screamed as it snapped an arm, despite the raised shield he carried.