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9.14 VM “These are anti-insect charms. Repellants; put them in a corner of the house, and they’ll keep them away for four months, guaranteed! I have single-use, emergency [Forcewall] tokens rated at eight mace strikes by a Level 15 [Warrior], a [Protection] spell on this cloak—”
9.14 VM It was a far, far more complex piece of magical machinery than Montressa’s Cloak of [Protection]. Mostly because the enchanted stone had to both calculate angle and match that against the position of the sun to get the arms to swing to the correct time. In fact—if you shone a [Light] spell, you could ‘trick’ the sensors and get the arms to move to any time you wanted.
9.39 “I do not need to know how it functions perfectly, Ryoka Griffin. I need to know how it operates. Heat? Electricity? Lightning? Friction? Kevin’s bicycles are hand-enchanted by myself. I enchant each part to a purpose. The wheels have a spell to increase their grip on the road. [Gecko’s Pads]. The chain we had meant to make as lightweight or frictionless as possible, but even Master Pelt’s steel would break under too much stress, so I enchanted it with [Protection]. In theory, I would apply as many enchantments to each component of the laptop as I could.”
9.39 “For this kind of object…I do not believe [Protection] would matter. But how would I enhance it?”
9.39 “If you don’t know how to improve it…I could simply enchant it for [Protection].”