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Interlude – The Antinium Wars (Pt.2) The ambushed Humans quickly fell to the Soldiers, but one [Hydromancer] cast a [Rain] spell in desperation. She perished, but a relief force found that the area the patrol had been ambushed in – a natural valley – was filled with not only the corpses of the lost patrol, but all the Antinium. They had drowned attempting to climb the muddy embankment and sank beneath the waters.
Interlude – The Antinium Wars (Pt.2) The Drake and Human armies suddenly pulled back from their offensive charges and adopted a wholly defensive formation. They placed heavy groups of pikes and defensive soldiers towards the front, all to buy their [Mages] enough time to cast [Rain] and other weather-related spells to flood the battlefield. [Geomancers] and [Diggers] built floodwalls to contain the water, and formed natural valleys to drown the Antinium in.
Interlude – The Antinium Wars (Pt.2) That was exactly what Sserys’s army did. For four days and four nights, the mages cast endless [Rain], [Downpour], and other related spells, flooding the Hive with water.
10.03 Y Farmer Petia and everyone who could be spared was setting up a field. Falene’s magic was useful here. She’d cast a huge dome of warmth that was helping bring the soil to life, and she had prepared a [Rain] spell for the first sowing.
10.03 Y “It’s not a problem normally. I can cast [Rain] and condense real water out of the air.”
10.03 Y “If I meditate…I can maybe try a [Rain] spell. That’ll solve water. But that means no fire tonight. Which one?”