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Chapter Text
1.06 “Oh, a [Teleportation] spell? Was it a misfire or did someone target you? That’s a Mage’s Guild issue.”
1.08 “And you’re an expert on [Teleportation] spells? I see.”
Interlude – Quiet Discussions He could always find out, of course. It might take a week, but assuming no idiot started a war after this…he could be in Liscor even sooner if he made some arrangements. A [Teleportation] spell might cost him dearly, but he was more than able to buy however many he wanted. In that case, he could leave and be back in a day—
2.47 “But how—I don’t know anyone who can just cast a [Teleportation] spell out of nowhere. Was there a spell circle? No one can just click their fingers and just—wait—that delivery to the High Passes…”
3.25 “You were there when that objectionable Gazi teleported away, were you not? Her spell took her far away. Across the ocean, I’ll wager. Thousands of miles. True, that was with a customized spell for long-distance, but a normal [Teleportation] spell can still cover many miles, albeit at increased mana cost.”
Interlude – The Antinium Wars (Pt.4) It is speculated that he must have had a particularly powerful scroll of [Teleportation] or employed the services of some exceptionally powerful mage or group of mages—and it is noted that all of Wistram’s [Mages] deny helping the Titan at this juncture—but whatever the case, the Titan used the surprise his appearance had caused to push Greydath’s army back and win one of the first victories for the Humans.
Interlude – Saliss the Adventurer Flying Antinium, now. Chaldion’s eyes narrowed as he saw them emerge from their Hive and the Grand Queen’s Hive in other views. But they were still slower than adventurers under multiple effects. Group Two was running—they’d teleport again, leapfrogging their way back towards the evacuation point where a long-range [Teleportation] spell would take them into Manus’ aegis.
8.15 “This is too bloody amazing. Someone get me a [Teleportation] spell.”
8.78 F She hesitated—then flew. Fetohep slowed briefly to communicate. But he kept moving forwards. Each foot of space between her and them meant that [Teleportation] took more mana. It took the Courier thirty minutes to call in that she was in-place, and another ten for Fetohep to get in range.
8.85 [Teleportation]!”
9.05 NPR There was a danger in the air, and Visophecin was watching Ryoka. He had one hand in his pocket, and the Wind Runner didn’t know it, but he had a dart enchanted with a [Teleportation] spell coded to go through Ailendamus’ wards.
9.06 “Prepare to support Rhisveri. [Teleportation] lockdown—”
9.38 TV (Pt. 2) That was what [Teleportation] was. An overly-complex system that traded too much mana for a single jump across the world. Levitation was just as crude—literally carrying something via telekinesis.
9.68 What were the odds he could stop a [Teleportation] spell? She didn’t like it. Yoreth spoke to everyone in earshot.
9.70 (Pt. 1) “They’re closing again, Rabbiteater. Storm or no—the Kingdom of Taligrit is flagging. The Earl has indicated the fleet will not move to save them. [Teleportation]’s saved as many as it can. Look.”