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  2. [Appraise]
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1.48 R [Appraisal]. It’s a Skill that [Marksmen] get sometimes. I can’t see your level or your class.”
1.54 “She—well, I don’t know that she’s levelless, but another adventurer with [Appraisal] says it’s true. And she did survive the High Passes. And she has the favor of Lady Magnolia. And she runs barefoot.”
1.00 D “It’s an odd sort that would lie about having a [Doctor] class. We’ve got no magical items that can see your class and no one who has the [Appraise] Skill, but you didn’t claim a level. And that sort of thing gets found out right quick. If you can carry your own weight and aren’t a troublemaker we’ll make use of you even if you have to clean dishes most of the time. If you can’t fight, well, you’ll learn quick.”
7.14 T “How was it possible!? Show me the truth! ANSWER ME! [APPRAISAL].”
7.39 A The [Strategist] used one of his new Skills. He went hmm. It wasn’t the same as an [Appraisal] ability, but close.
7.52 The [Guards] did not like Calruz. But they weren’t the Gnolls who hated him and never got assigned to prison duty. He was familiar to them. And what’s more—an [Honorbound Prisoner]. They had [Appraisal] artifacts and Skills. They could read.
8.05 I “I am Wall Lord Ilvriss! Please remain calm—we are looking for an individual hiding among you! Captain Shieldscale, the [Appraisal] Skills. Shriekblade—”
8.37 H Salii was fascinated. However, she had more insight than some of the others. She happened to know that Dulav-ra, the Skill that had popped up in her [Appraisal]-vision, was Orjin’s personal martial art.
Interlude – Of Vampires and Fraerlings Gna moaned. She was well aware of the Fissival [Mage]’s power to [Appraise] and any [General], natural foe of Goblins or Antinium?
8.51 D “Isn’t it a bad idea for them to show their levels? Someone could [Appraise] us, surely…?”
Interlude – Hectval (Pt. 1) Mainly because you could not [Appraise] what they had. Also, because the last specialist Olesm had called for made a larger impression. Olesm watched as they undid the specially-made bindings. He stepped through, and some of the Gnolls growled and the Drakes glared, but Olesm was certain.
8.77 B Five [Stealthguard] variants? No…Foliana had to focus to [Appraise] them. 
8.82 (Pt. 2) Even Visophecin was taken aback. He focused on Rabbiteater, but the [Appraisal] Skills and other spells didn’t work on him. Gadrea just narrowed her eyes.
9.07 “Are you sure? Does anyone have [Appraise]…?”
10.06 “Yes, she truly is the last [Archmage]. I did try, just as a matter of interest, to [Appraise] you, Miss Solstice. Impossible. I daresay the [Polymorph] spell was part of that. Changing your species to Fraerling made you difficult to locate in multiple senses. But then—the fact that we can likely restore you to a proper height speaks to her genius!”
10.11 H “He didn’t [Appraise] me. He can’t.”
10.28 N Level 4. The class didn’t really work for her. She told Vendyne she was Level 14 because she didn’t want to get in trouble; he couldn’t [Appraise] her anyways. But it just…well, Salkis tried her best again as they left the bar.