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[Inn: The World’s Eye Theatre]

  1. [World’s Eye Theater]
  2. [World’s Eye Theatre]
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Chapter Text
9.32 “Don’t get on my bad side, Numbtongue. Not today. I’m in pain, and even my cool new [World’s Eye Theatre] makes my head hurt. Ryoka’s on my bad list for…like, a hundred reasons. Don’t be second on my list, buddy.”
9.32 Gire does it better because she’s bigger. But forsooth—the [World’s Eye Theatre] awaits. Do you…know what it is?
9.32 To understand the [World’s Eye Theatre], you had to know what had changed.
9.32 The [World’s Eye Theatre] was bright as Ryoka and Mrsha walked out of the hallway of about forty feet, a rather long walk for a part of the inn not visible from the outside. The red carpet stretched into it and snaked around the dome.
9.32 The, uh, design of the [World’s Eye Theatre] had assumed you were capable of moving up the incline towards the top-most level where Ryoka and Mrsha stood. Erin had apparently been trying to roll up the ramps using the handrails for the last ten minutes…but she’d lost her strength in her arms and ended up rolling back into the center of the room.
9.32 His voice was so loud that everyone clapped their hands to their ears. It turned out that the [World’s Eye Theatre] had a sound system.
9.32 It sounded…exactly as a girl had once heard it. Perhaps too loud—the slight crackle of an older movie theatre’s speakers in the narration. Just like Erin Solstice had once remembered when her parents took her to see the Fellowship of the Ring for the first time. Then she realized what the [World’s Eye Theatre] was doing.
9.32 …But it wasn’t like this was that unique. If someone, something had been coming up with the idea for what the [World’s Eye Theatre] was—it might have drawn from existing abilities.
9.32 The [World’s Eye Theatre] began to glow.
9.32 The power of the [World’s Eye Theatre] was that, in the center of the beam of light, you could stand and ‘see’ the world around you. When Erin sat in her wheelchair, she got a view of where the Horns were. It wasn’t perfect—but she could project herself to her friends rather than having to crane her neck up and shout at the dome and have a real-time conversation.
9.32 Ryoka Griffin and Erin Solstice were standing in the [World’s Eye Theatre] when Erin felt a buzz at the back of her mind.
9.32 Amidst it all, though, all this nostalgia and questing with little lambs and faeries and things that had begun long ago—Erin Solstice took a second to wheel herself into the [World’s Eye Theatre] and saw Mrsha had already been pranking a number of people and having a lot of fun if all the tracks on the floor were an indication.
9.33 It was still—probably less than a hundred viewpoints when the connection stabilized. But it filled the panes of the [World’s Eye Theatre] overhead. And each one of the hundred viewpoints was unique.
9.33 He was doing what the [World’s Eye Theatre] lacked and taking the visual component and creating a kind of makeshift conference call with mirrors.
9.33 Mars commented, leaning over Trey to see. But Flos’ comment was actually one of the most prescient. Palt was…adding in functionality that made the [World’s Eye Theatre] even more useful.