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[Parallel Thoughts]

  1. [Parallel Thinking]
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6.51 A Sitting, then. Not because he needed to, but because he wasn’t a savage. Az’kerash leaned back and his mind, spread, running in parallel, refocused. [Parallel Thoughts] deactivated. He looked straight ahead, focused on the world. And like that, realized he’d overlooked something.
7.41 [Parallel Thoughts]. A technique great [Mages] had used across the ages. But even one of the former, true Archmages of Wistram—Archmage Chandler—who employed the same Skill for his own ends would never have gone this far.
9.14 VM Valeterisa was, in her own words, a Level 52 [Grand Magus]. Her exact class was [Grand Magus of Mind and Studies]. A fitting class for someone whose specialty was research and who had obtained the famous [Parallel Thoughts] Skill that had nearly killed her, a prisoner of her own mind and a research that had taken eight years of her life.
9.14 VM [Parallel Thoughts]. One part of her spun off to cast and uttered a spell.
9.15 VM “Eight years ago, I reached Level 50 and consolidated my class into [Grand Magus of Mind and Studies]. I gained [Parallel Thoughts] and leveled twice that year, without Skills.”
9.38 TV (Pt. 1) Valeterisa inhaled after a worryingly long pause. What came out of her mouth was not her internal stream of thoughts and the 22 different processes thanks to [Parallel Thoughts], her Skill that allowed her to divide up her intellect. It was simply the conclusion of all this background thought.
9.38 TV (Pt. 1) Alas. History does teach me that [Parallel Thoughts] has been the end of better [Mages] than I. Lost in their intelligence. Maybe I’ll not use it for a while.
9.38 TV (Pt. 2) Valeterisa was staring at a book. She wasn’t scattering her thoughts. She was very deliberately ignoring Larracel and occasionally taking grudging sips from her drink. It occurred to Ieka that the lack of [Parallel Thoughts] meant her aunt was emotional.
9.38 TV (Pt. 2) The power of [Parallel Thoughts] was not in simply optimizing the power of the mind to multiple tasks. Valeterisa knew this from the warnings she had read in books. Division of a single whole meant each component part was weaker.
9.38 TV (Pt. 2) The power of [Parallel Thoughts] was, in part, to compartmentalize. To devote energy to small tasks or to focus completely by spinning off yourself until you no longer…felt. Until you no longer cared about hunger because it was being managed by a fiftieth of you that didn’t care if it was eating slop.
9.38 TV (Pt. 2) Valeterisa was dizzy. She was…back in one piece. Even [Parallel Thoughts] had failed in the face of being hit by a coach at that speed. She looked around, then focused.
9.38 TV (Pt. 2) [Parallel Thoughts]! Lift! Lift!”
9.38 TV (Pt. 2) …Because there was only one of her. And even with [Parallel Thoughts], she couldn’t stare at herself. Even with a mirror.
9.38 TV (Pt. 2) Plus, he could exercise his real body here. Divide and conquer. Not a simulacrum—not that mistake again—but [Mages] had invented ways to manage multiple things. They called it [Parallel Thoughts]. Teriarch obviously knew the pitfalls, and so he prepared Demsleth for some good reflex-training with this young [Boxer] he’d found.
Interlude – Levels It wasn’t even the fact that she was using [Parallel Thoughts]. This was pure Valeterisa. Montressa rushed downstairs.