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[The World of You and Me]

  1. [World of You And Me]
Total mentions
14 mentions
First mentioned in chapter
Last mentioned in chapter


Chapter Text
8.66 [The World of You and Me]. A new combination Skill created from the combined powers and perspectives of Inkar, Rose, Adetr, Feshi, Yelroan, Satar, Gireulashia, and Shaman Theikha. A seven-person Skill with the power of four tribes behind it.
8.66 Good things hurt. So Rose was here. Beilmark was here, not being trusted enough to participate. She was put out by it, but understanding. Mrsha was here because she was Mrsha, and Plain’s Eye would be all around [The World of You and Me]. Same with Qwera and Ysara; they were not in the know.
9.00 Admiration for a common-sense idea. Which was this: Crusader 221-3 stared down at [The World of You and Me], the bound Skill which swirled in the center of the Chieftain’s Tent.
9.08 Tears sprang to Erin’s eyes. She was staring at a vision of home that the Gnolls of the Meeting of Tribes might have recognized. A few of them, who had access to [The World of You and Me].
9.46 S If it was not clear already…all three were Humans in the great Skill, [The World of You and Me], in the Meeting of Tribes. Czautha shook her head, amazed.
9.49 “What I’ve learned is that the Death of Magic could have literally murdered us in this simulation. She’s scary as shit. This thing didn’t vanish—it’s not melting now—and one of the Gnolls found it lodged in a telephone pole despite [The World of You and Me] literally resetting.”
9.49 Ceria and Pisces emerged from [The World of You and Me], clothes bedraggled, and kept arguing. The Skill had kicked them out.
9.61 G [The World of You and Me] by Bookwhyrm – Slave of Graves!
10.14 Yelroan had run into the world of Earth’s math and frolicked there, in happier times, in the [World of You And Me]. He had not the time to become an expert or reach the heights he knew were there, but he’d seen—concepts.
10.17 The simulation of Earth, the great Skill, [The World of You and Me]—looped for one terrifying moment, and Inkar felt herself repeating the motion of reaching out, her heart re-hammering in her chest, Tkrn’s word repeating over a dozen times. Then—abruptly—
10.17 Her words organized the chaos, and Gnolls soon began to file out of the tent. Inkar wondered if someone had caused the incident, but if so, who? It wasn’t like those weapons just grew from trees. And [The World of You and Me] faithfully recreated security and weapons; even with Skills, you couldn’t just waltz into a military compound.
10.17 Three dozen Gnolls walked out of [The World of You and Me] and into chaos. At least, they looked like Gnolls. Nerrhavia felt the fur covering her body and twitched her ears idly a few times before adopting a shocked look.
10.17 The Gnolls with cooking classes had a field day and actually occupied a very low percentage of Gnolls in [The World of You and Me]. One would go in, come out after a few hours, and then head into their kitchens to make whatever they’d decided to copy.
10.17 “Oh dear. I heard shouting. Is this the piano? I just was in [The World of You and Me] and attended a concert. It was wonderful music.”