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  1. Reagen Redfang
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Interlude – The First and Last of Us “Reagents. Reagen? Catalyst. Cattalin?”
Interlude – The First and Last of Us Reagen Redfang.”
Interlude – The First and Last of Us Numbtongue’s only worry was that Reagen would turn out to be an anti-Apista or anti-Lamb cat. That would be a huge problem, and Octavia raised her brows.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us The Hobgoblin jumped and looked around for Erin. But she was out—and he showed Pawn a little pocket Octavia had doubly-grudgingly sewn into his tunic’s front. Reagen poked his head out, and Pawn pet his head.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us It was ridiculous and silly, but the proud little bee was flying. And Lyonette was laughing with tears in her eyes. That was…well. That was what pets were. A little tongue made Numbtongue look down. Reagen was licking his hand for attention, and he wanted to sit on Numbtongue’s head like the other animals were.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us For some reason, the Hobgoblin had never realized why the Redfangs in his tribe who rode Carn Wolves turned into dog-loving weirdos. He had ridden Carn Wolves…but he hadn’t realized how different it felt to have a connection with a creature like this. Now he had Reagen—there was no way Erin could ever make Numbtongue give him up.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us “You see? Even if Erin does not love you romantically, she will accept your cat, Reagen.”
Interlude – The First and Last of Us He watched as Numbtongue’s delighted look at his cat slowly faded. The [Bard] looked up—and then slowly sat back in his chair. His cat meowed and tried to climb out of the pocket. It looked up at its master as Numbtongue slowly put Reagen down. The cat stared up at the Fortress Beavers, hissed at Rhata—then backed up as the rat squeaked authoritatively.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us Erin Solstice finally spotted Reagen when she was walking into the inn mid-morning of the third day. She stopped Klbkch and Relc—they had all been shopping at that antique store, and Relc had bought fifteen items.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us Relc pointed, and Klbkch nodded. Numbtongue whirled, and Reagen clawed at the bit of grass he was dangling, mid-leap.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us Relc hissed back. Reagen instantly ran for it. It raced into a glowing door.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us Reagen the cat was young. And small.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us And the rabbit it had gone after had contemptuously teleported away three times before Reagen gave up. Then it had smelled food and crawled through a window left ajar.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us When the green thing had caught it—Reagen had thought it was all over. It had taken a while to realize the big green thing was kindly. It gave Reagen hot food until the cat nearly threw it up, and then took it to the one called Elirr.
Interlude – The First and Last of Us When the green thing had caught it—Reagen had thought it was all over. It had taken a while to realize the big green thing was kindly. It gave Reagen hot food until the cat nearly threw it up, and then took it to the one called Elirr.