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6.26 “Time it. Ryoka Griffin, the Wind Runner, left Reizmelt at half past noon. Tell the Adventurer’s Guild in Walta to time her arrival. This run’s going to define her. Tell them to expect her. And tell them—here comes Reizmelt’s Wind Runner.”
6.26 Ryoka spat as she checked the signpost again. She grabbed a potion from her belt and downed it as she ran left, down the main road for Walta. The stamina potion burned its way down her throat. And suddenly, Ryoka felt more energy burning from her legs. She took a breath and ran.
6.26 Ryoka gasped. The sand cleared from the wind, allowing her to see ahead of herself. She knew where to go. The signs told her she was getting closer to Walta. But she still had far to go.
6.26 Walta’s Runner’s Guild! You just came in here and—hey! HEY!”
6.34 E And not too far north, and a bit to the east. The rains were already falling, already pouring down on the thick roof overhead. The [Message] spell had come in hot and heavy, and the person it was addressed to leaned on the desk, eying the contents of the message. And the reward. The [Receptionist] at the Runner’s Guild in Walta checked the authentication from the [Mage]’s Guild and nodded.
6.35 She was in Walta, staying at the Rose’s Retreat, a very nice inn with a female [Innkeeper] who was accommodating and strict. Miss Iglesias Theroben had expressed a firm desire to Ryoka that her rooms not be sullied by impropriety, or any untoward advances towards her all-female staff.
6.35 Not a bad bad day, to be clear. Ryoka felt good. A few days of rest had cleared the minor potion-sickness out of her veins and stomach and rejuvenated her after her now-famous run from Reizmelt to Walta, capital city of Lady Bethal’s lands. She felt good, today, in fact. Hungry. It was just that as soon as Ryoka had sensed, felt the wind outside howling in the rain, she’d known it was going to be a bad day.
6.35 “Well, as I said, you’ve been very easy to look after. No messes, no blood or muck for my girls to tidy up—if you stop by Walta in the future, stay here by all means! I know you Runners, and I have no doubt I’ll see you again.”
6.35 Ryoka paused as she stretched out her own legs. The Centauress smirked at her. She worked in the region around Walta as a well-known City Runner. And she was good at her job; so good that Ryoka had given up trying to lose her. Now the Centauress pointed in the direction of the Runner’s Guild.
6.35 The young woman refused to rise to the bait. She took off running with a slow, contained pace, and after a moment, Charlay followed her. Then at least, Ryoka had some peace. She ran down the streets of Walta, still slick with rain and deserted for the moment. The rains had kept everyone indoors, and so the two female Runners proceeded down the street at a quick jog by Ryoka’s standards.
6.35 As they ran, Ryoka admired the city of Walta where she had been staying. She would be sorry to say goodbye to it. The streets were smoothed, and one in three buildings that Ryoka passed had glass instead of shutters. The city was lovely, like Amsterdam, but minus the canals and water. It was one of the most modern cities Ryoka had visited, aside from Invrisil, and the reason behind that was because Walta was about twice or three times as rich as Reizmelt.
6.35 As they ran, Ryoka admired the city of Walta where she had been staying. She would be sorry to say goodbye to it. The streets were smoothed, and one in three buildings that Ryoka passed had glass instead of shutters. The city was lovely, like Amsterdam, but minus the canals and water. It was one of the most modern cities Ryoka had visited, aside from Invrisil, and the reason behind that was because Walta was about twice or three times as rich as Reizmelt.
6.35 The female Centaur snapped at another rider’s horse passing by. Ryoka just shook her head. The streets were filling, and a good number of riders were filling it. More than average; Walta was a horse-city, catering towards treatment of the animals, saddles, stables, training, breeding, and more. The horses Walta produced were of a superior stock than most; if you wanted to get a proper warhorse or even a good riding horse, you’d look for a Walta horse or come to the city itself.
6.35 The female Centaur snapped at another rider’s horse passing by. Ryoka just shook her head. The streets were filling, and a good number of riders were filling it. More than average; Walta was a horse-city, catering towards treatment of the animals, saddles, stables, training, breeding, and more. The horses Walta produced were of a superior stock than most; if you wanted to get a proper warhorse or even a good riding horse, you’d look for a Walta horse or come to the city itself.
6.35 The female Centaur snapped at another rider’s horse passing by. Ryoka just shook her head. The streets were filling, and a good number of riders were filling it. More than average; Walta was a horse-city, catering towards treatment of the animals, saddles, stables, training, breeding, and more. The horses Walta produced were of a superior stock than most; if you wanted to get a proper warhorse or even a good riding horse, you’d look for a Walta horse or come to the city itself.